United Bank of India IFSC Code: MICR Code & Branch Address in India


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IFSC Codes By Popular Banks

United Bank of India New Delhi IFSC Code & MICR Code

Bank: United Bank of India


MICR Code: 110

Branch: Connaught Circus

District: New Delhi

State: Delhi

Address: J.C. Das Building, 90/8, Connaught Circus, New Delhi

United Bank of India Karnataka IFSC Code & MICR Code

Bank: United Bank of India


MICR Code: 560

Branch: Bangalore

District: Bangalore Urban

State: Karnataka

Address: 40, Kempegowda Road, Bangalore, Karnataka

United Bank of India Maharastra IFSC & MICR Code

Bank: United Bank of India


MICR Code: 400

Branch: Mumbai

District: Greater Bombay

State: Maharashtra

Address: Post Box No 298, UBI Bldg. 25, P.S.M. Rd

United Bank of India West Bengal IFSC & MICR Code

Bank: United Bank of India


MICR Code: 700

Branch: Lalbazar

District: Kolkata

State: West Bengal

Address: 3B Lalbazar St., Kolkata, West Bengal

United Bank of India IFSC Code: MICR Code & Branch Address in India

United Bank of India IFSC Code is different for every branch. The IFSC code is used to transfer money online using digital fund transfer methods like IMPS, NEFT, and RTGS. Indian Financial System Code or IFSC is a set of 11 characters, which included both alphabets and numbers. Each character signifies the specific bank branch. The Reserve Bank of India has assigned IFSC code to all the branched public sector and private banks.

For example, the United Bank of India IFSC Code of the Gurgaon Mehrauli Road in Gurgaon, Haryana is UTBI0GMR735. Let’s decode it. The first 4 letters, ‘UTBI’, represent the bank name. The ‘zero’ in the middle is reserved for future use. The next 6 characters ‘GMR735’ represent the branch in Gurgaon. Here, it can be noted that ‘MR’ stands for Mehrauli and the next 3 digits ‘735’ stands for the branch.

For net banking IFSC code is required. You would need the right IFSC code for a successful transaction:

About United Bank of India (UBI) 

United Bank of India is among the 14 major banks that were publicly owned in the year 1969. Its forerunner the United Bank of India Limited was founded in 1950 with four other banks namely Bengal Central Bank, Comilla Banking Corporation, Comilla Union Bank, and Hooghly Bank.

The legacy of the bank goes back to 1914. As compared to 174 branches, and Rs. 147 crores of deposits and Rs. 112 crores of advances the Bank now has 1999 branches and total business worth of Rs. 2 lakh crore. Currently, United Bank of India has a three-tier organizational set-up with a Head Office, 1999 branches and 35 Regional Offices across India.

How to Find the United Bank of India MICR Code and IFSC Code Online?

United Bank of India’s IFSC Code can be easily found online and offline. You can find the list of all the United Bank of India branches online on the basis of its IFSC Code. Here is a quick rundown of the steps that you can follow to find United Bank of India IFSC Code online:

  • Select your United Bank of India branch
  • State where the branch is located
  • District Name
  • Area
  • You will get the United Bank of India IFSC Code for that specific branch

United Bank of India IFSC Code and other bank’s IFSC code is available online on the Reserve Bank of India’s website.

MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Technology) Code

MICR code comprises of 9 digits. It distinguishes unique characters that are printed on the cheque and facilitates faster processing of bank cheques.

Even the MICR code is available online. It is printed on the bank cheque using MICR on the bank cheque. This 9 digit code finds the particular bank that participates in the Electronic Clearing System.

How to Find the United Bank of India IFSC Code and MICR Code Offline?

United Bank of India IFSC Code is printed on its cheque book and also on the front page of the passbook. 

United Bank of India IFSC Code

Information Required for Transferring Funds with United Bank of India

You need the following details to transfer the funds online:  

  • Amount to Be Transferred
  • Payee’s Name
  • Account Number of the Payee
  • Bank Name of the Payee
  • Sender to payee information, if any

United Bank of India MMID Transfers

Mobile Money Identifier or MMID is basically a 7 digit random number that is issued by the Bank to the customer on request for a generation.

How to Generate MMID using the Mobile Application?

Firstly, you need to register for mobile banking:

  • Open the United mBank application
  • Select the Banking option
  • Go to UBI’s Interbank Mobile Payment System
  • Generate MMID
  • Enter the mPIN
  • Select the Account that needs to be linked with the MMID
  • Select OK
  • United Bank of India MMID will be displayed on the screen

For MMID Transfers:

Following details are required by the bank:

  • MMID of the Beneficiary
  • Name of the receiver
  • And the Mobile Number

For United Bank of India IFSC Code based transfer:

  • Name of the receiver
  • Account Number of the Receiver
  • Bank’s IFSC Code

How To Transfer Funds using United Bank of India NEFT, RTGS, IMPS Processes?

There are different online modes of transfer namely, IMPS, NEFT, and RTGS. It is easier to send money through digital platforms within the same bank and other bank branches transferred within different United Bank of India branches or from United Bank of India to another bank branch.

National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)

NEFT is a nation-wide system that facilitates firms, individuals, and corporates to transfer money by electronic means from one bank branch to another firm, individual, or corporates having an account with another bank branch.

Savings and current account holders are eligible to avail RTGS/NEFT Services.


RTGS implies Real Time Gross Settlement, which is basically unremitting settlement of individual funs on a real-time basis (order by order). Presently, it is one of the fastest methods of money transfer system via a banking channel. All the settlements are real-time, and there is no waiting period in the transactions.

United Bank of India RTGS/ NEFT Fees and Charges

Timings and Fund Transfer Limit


  • Days: Monday to Saturday(Except 2nd & 4th Saturday)
  • Timings: 8:00 am to 7 pm
  • Transfer Limit: No minimum and maximum limit


  • Timings: 8 am to 4:30 pm
  • Days: Monday to Saturday(Except 2nd & 4th Saturday)
  • Transfer Limit: Minimum amount is Rs. 2 lakh and there is no upper limit

United Bank of India Bank - FAQs

Q1. What is the use of the United Bank of India IFSC code in online transactions?

Ans: United Bank of India IFSC code is essential for all the online fund transfers. IFSC code helps in identifying the specific payee bank branch that is participating in the NEFT or RTGS transactions.

Q2. Is it easy to find the United Bank of India IFSC code online?

Ans: Yes, you can easily find United Bank of India IFSC code online on the RBI website and also on the bank’s website.

Q3. Is it easy to find the United Bank of India IFSC code offline?

Ans: Yes, you can easily find United Bank of India IFSC code offline on the bank’s cheque book.

Q4. Can IFSC code of two UBI Bank branches be the same?

Ans: United Bank of India IFSC code will be different for all the branches. It is not possible for two branches to have the same IFS code.

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