код Centigrade to Fahrenheit Conversion - Calculatorology

Centigrade to Fahrenheit Converter


Centigrade to Fahrenheit Conversion

This is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the length in centigrade (°C) to degree Fahrenheit (°F). It gives quick and accurate results based on the input values. When using the converter, first enter the value in centigrade in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to initiate the conversion from Centigrade to Fahrenheit. The conversion result is displayed below the control buttons in Fahrenheit. The ‘Reset' button is used to erase all data of the previous conversions from the calculator.


Convert 20 centigrade to Fahrenheit


First, enter the value in centigrade (20) in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert' button to get the results in Fahrenheit.

20 centigrade = 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

This means that there are 68 degrees Fahrenheit in 20 centigrade.

Use the same procedure when performing a new conversion in centigrade to get the corresponding results in Fahrenheit.

How to convert Centigrade/ Celsius to Fahrenheit

0°C = 32 °F

Zero degrees Celsius is equivalent to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

T (°F) = T (°C) x 9/5 + 32


T (°F) = T (°C) x 1.8 + 32

The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is determined by multiplying the temperature in degrees centigrade by 9/5 (1.8) plus 32.

The temperature units' conversion factor of centigrade to degrees Fahrenheit is 32. This implies that there are 32 degrees Fahrenheit in one-degree centigrade.

For example; how many degrees Fahrenheit are in 32 degrees Centigrade?

T (°F) = 32°C x 9/5 + 32 = 89.6 °F.


A centigrade, (also known as Celsius) is a temperature scale abbreviated as "°C". It shows the freezing point of water to be 0 degrees and its boiling point as 100 degrees

A Fahrenheit is a temperature scale abbreviated as "°F". It shows the freezing point of water as 32 degrees and its boiling point to be 212.