VERIFY: Are mobile phone numbers going public? |
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VERIFY: Are mobile phone numbers going public?

A Facebook post claims if you don't want to be bothered by telemarketers, you have to sign up for the national "do not call" list.

A KHOU 11 News viewer, Jackie Nelson, emailed our Verify team about a viral Facebook post claiming cell phone numbers are going public this month.

The post claims if you don’t want to be bothered by telemarketers, you have to sign up for the national “do not call” list.

Our Verify fact checkers looked into this claim and went straight to the FCC. Officials there say the post is all a big misunderstanding that sparked when cell phone companies talked about creating a directory for wireless phones. Even if that directory is set up, most telemarketing calls to a cell phone would still be illegal.

There is not a separate “do not call” registry. You can add your cell phone to the existing registry.

So we can verify for Jackie this Facebook post is false.

VERIFY: Sources

Federal Communications Commission


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