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Related to cash: Johnny Cash


currency or coins: They’d rather have cash than a credit card.
Not to be confused with:
cache – a hiding place; a hidden store of goods: He had a cache of nonperishable food in case of an invasion.
cachet – an official seal, as on a letter or document; a distinguishing feature: Courtesy is the cachet of a gracious hostess.; superior status; prestige: The diplomatic corps has a certain cachet.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree

cash 1

1. Money in the form of bills or coins; currency.
2. Liquid assets including bank deposits and marketable securities.
3. Money paid in currency or by check: paid in cash.
tr.v. cashed, cash·ing, cash·es
To exchange for or convert into ready money: cash a check; cash in one's gambling chips.
Phrasal Verbs:
cash in
1. To withdraw from a venture by or as if by settling one's account.
2. Informal To obtain a profit or other advantage by timely exploitation: Profiteers cashed in during the gasoline shortage.
3. Slang To die.
cash out
To dispose of a long-held asset for profit: Hard-pressed farmers are tempted to cash out by selling their valuable land.
cash on the barrelhead
Immediate payment: You must pay cash on the barrelhead; we don't offer credit.

[Obsolete French casse, money box (from Norman French; see case2) or from Italian cassa (from Latin capsa, case).]

cash′less adj.

cash 2

n. pl. cash
Any of various Asian coins of small denomination, especially a copper and lead coin with a square hole in its center.

[Portuguese caixa, from Tamil kācu, a small coin.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Banking & Finance) banknotes and coins, esp in hand or readily available; money or ready money
2. (Commerce) immediate payment, in full or part, for goods or services (esp in the phrase cash down)
3. (Commerce) (modifier) of, for, or paid by cash: a cash transaction.
4. (Commerce) the cash Canadian a checkout counter
(Banking & Finance) (tr) to obtain or pay ready money for: to cash a cheque.
[C16: from Old Italian cassa money box, from Latin capsa case2]
ˈcashable adj


n, pl cash
any of various Chinese, Indonesian, or Indian coins of low value
[C16: from Portuguese caixa, from Tamil kāsu, from Sanskrit karsa weight of gold or silver]


(Biography) Johnny. 1932–2003, US country-and-western singer, guitarist, and songwriter. His recordings include the hits "I Walk the Line" (1956), "Ring of Fire" (1963), "A Boy named Sue" (1969), and the American Recordings series of albums (1994–2003)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. money in the form of coins or banknotes, esp. that issued by a government.
2. money or an equivalent, as a check, paid at the time of making a purchase.
3. to give or obtain cash for (a check, money order, etc.).
a. to win (a card trick) by leading an assured winner.
b. to lead (an assured winner) in order to win a trick.
5. cash in,
a. to turn in and get cash for (one's chips), as in a gambling casino.
b. to convert one's assets into cash.
c. Slang. to die.
6. cash in on, to profit from; use to one's advantage.
[1590–1600; appar. back formation from cashier1]
cash′less, adj.



n., pl. cash.
any of several low-denomination coins of China, India, and the East Indies, esp. a Chinese copper coin.
[1590–1600; < Portuguese caixa < Tamil kācu copper coin < Skt]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - money in the form of bills or coinscash - money in the form of bills or coins; "there is a desperate shortage of hard cash"
currency - the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used
change - money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency; "he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver"
change - the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due; "I paid with a twenty and pocketed the change"
chickenfeed, chump change, small change - a trifling sum of money
pin money, pocket money, spending money - cash for day-to-day spending on incidental expenses
cold cash, ready cash, ready money - money in the form of cash that is readily available; "his wife was always a good source of ready cash"; "he paid cold cash for the TV set" - prompt payment for goods or services in currency or by checkcash - prompt payment for goods or services in currency or by check
payment - a sum of money paid or a claim discharged
deferred payment, credit - arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
3.Cash - United States country music singer and songwriter (1932-2003) - exchange for cash; "I cashed the check as soon as it arrived in the mail"
liquidate - convert into cash; "I had to liquidate my holdings to pay off my ex-husband"
redeem - convert into cash; of commercial papers
exchange, interchange, change - give to, and receive from, one another; "Would you change places with me?"; "We have been exchanging letters for a year"
cash in on - take advantage of or capitalize on
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


noun money, change, funds, notes, ready (informal), the necessary (informal), resources, currency, silver, bread (slang), coin, tin (slang), brass (Northern English dialect), dough (slang), rhino (Brit. slang), banknotes, bullion, dosh (Brit. & Austral. slang), wherewithal, coinage, needful (informal), specie, shekels (informal), wonga (slang), dibs (slang), ready money, ackers (slang), spondulicks (slang) He stole to get cash for his drug habit.
cash in on something exploit, use, take advantage of, capitalize on, put to use, make capital out of, use to advantage, turn to account The record company is simply cashing in on the loyalty of the band's fans.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Something, such as coins or printed bills, used as a medium of exchange:
Informal: wampum.
Chiefly British: brass.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
مالنَقْد، نُقودنَقْدانُقُوديَصْرِفُ شيكا، يَسْحَبُ قيمة شيك
hotovostinkasovatpenízeproplatithotové peníze
käteinenkäteinen rahalunastaa
fé, peningargreiîa út í höndreiîuféskipta
gryniejiiškeistikasininkaskasos aparatasmokėjimas grynaisiais
naudasaņemt naudu pret čekuskaidra nauda
bani gheaţăbani lichizinumerar
zameniťzaplatiť v hotovosti
boz maknakitnakit paraparaparaya çevirmek
tiền mặt


A. N
1. (= coins, notes) → (dinero m en) efectivo m, metálico m
to pay (in) cashpagar al contado or en efectivo
cash on deliveryenvío m or entrega f contra reembolso
cash downal contado
to pay cash (down) for sthpagar algo al contado
cash in handefectivo en caja
see also hard C
2. (= money) → dinero m, pasta f (Sp) , plata f (LAm)
to be short of cashandar mal de dinero
I haven't any cash on meno llevo dinero encima
B. VT [+ cheque] → cobrar, hacer efectivo
to cash sb a chequecambiarle a algn un cheque
C. CPD cash account Ncuenta f de caja
cash advance Nadelanto m
cash bar Nbar m privado (sin barra libre)
cash box Ncaja f para el dinero, alcancía f
cash card Ntarjeta f de cajero automático
cash cow Nproducto m muy rentable
cash crop Ncultivo m comercial
cash deficit Ndéficit m de caja
cash desk Ncaja f
cash discount Ndescuento m por pago al contado
cash dispenser N (Brit) → cajero m automático
cash flow Nflujo m de caja, movimiento m de efectivo
cash-flow problemsproblemas mpl de cash-flow
cash income Ningresos mpl al contado
cash offer Noferta f de pago al contado
cash order Norden f de pago al contado
cash payment Npago m al contado
cash price Nprecio m al contado
cash prize Npremio m en metálico
cash ratio Ncoeficiente m de caja
cash receipts NPLtotal m cobrado
cash reduction N = cash discount cash register Ncaja f registradora
cash reserves NPLreserva fsing en efectivo
cash sale Nventa f al contado
cash squeeze Nrestricciones fpl económicas
cash terms NPL = cash payment cash value Nvalor m en dinero
cash in VT + ADV [+ investment, insurance policy] → cobrar
cash in on VI + PREP to cash in on sthsacar partido or provecho de algo
cash up VI + ADV (Brit) → contar el dinero recaudado
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= money) → argent m
to be short of cash → être à court d'argent
I'm a bit short of cash → Je suis un peu à court d'argent.
cash with order → payable à la commande, paiement à la commande
cash on delivery → payable à la livraison, paiement à la livraison
(as opposed to cheques, bonds, shares)espèces fpl
in cash → en liquide
£2000 in cash → deux mille livres en liquide
(= form of payment) → argent m comptant, espèces fpl
to pay cash → payer comptant
vt [+ cheque] → encaisser
cash in
vt [+ insurance policy] → toucher
cash in on
vt fusprofiter decash account ncompte m caissecash-and-carry [ˌkæəndˈkæri] nlibre-service m de gros, cash and carry m inv
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Bargeld nt; (= change also)Kleingeld nt; cash in handBarbestand m, → Kassenbestand m; to pay (in) cashbar bezahlen; ready cashverfügbares Geld; how much do you have in ready cash?wie viel Geld haben Sie verfügbar?
(= immediate payment)Barzahlung f; (= not credit)Sofortzahlung f; cash downBarzahlung f; → Sofortzahlung f; £250 cash down and the rest over …£ 250 sofort (zu bezahlen), und der Rest über …; to pay cash(in) bar/sofort bezahlen; cash or charge?zahlen Sie bar oder mit Karte?; cash with orderzahlbar bei Bestellung; cash on deliveryper Nachnahme
(= money)Geld nt; to be short of cashknapp bei Kasse sein (inf); I’m out of cashich bin blank (inf), → ich habe kein Geld
vt chequeeinlösen


cash advance
nVorschuss m
adjCash-and-carry-; cash priceMitnahmepreis m
n (for retailers) → Cash and Carry m, → Abholmarkt m; (for public) → Verbrauchermarkt m
(with purchases) → Rückerstattung f; (with mortgage) → Barerstattung f (bei Abschluss bestimmter Hypotheken); “get £5 cash!”„Sie bekommen £ 5 zurück!“
(at supermarket) → Barauszahlung f (zusätzlich zu dem Preis der gekauften Ware, wenn man mit Kundenkarte bezahlt); I’d like £10 cash, pleaseund ich hätte gern zusätzlich £ 10 in bar
cash balance
nKassenbestand m, → Kassensaldo nt, → Barguthaben nt
nKassenbuch nt
cash box
n(Geld)kassette f
cash business
nBar(zahlungs)geschäft nt, → Kassageschäft nt
cash card
n(Geld)automatenkarte f
cash cow
n (fig inf)Milchkuh f (fig), → Cashcow f
cash crop
cash desk
n (Brit) → Kasse f
cash discount
nSkonto m or nt, → Rabatt mbei Barzahlung
cash dispenser
n (Brit) → Geldautomat m


cash expenditure
nBarausgaben pl, → Barauslagen pl
cash flow
nCashflow m
attr cash-flow analysisCashflowanalyse f; cash-flow forecastCashflowprognose f; cash-flow positionBruttoertragslage f; cash-flow problemsLiquiditätsprobleme pl; I’ve got cash-flow problems (personal) → ich bin in Geldschwierigkeiten


cash offer
nBar(zahlungs)angebot nt
cash office
nKasse f, → Kassenbüro nt
cash payment
nBarzahlung f
cash point
n (Brit: = ATM) → Geldautomat m
cash price
nBar(zahlungs)preis m
cash purchase
nBarkauf m
cash receipts
pl (in shop) → Bareinnahmen pl
cash reduction
cash register
cash reserves
plBargeldreserven pl
cash sale
nBarverkauf m
cash settlement
nBarausgleich f, → Barabgeltung f
cash transaction
nBargeldtransfer m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (coins, notes) → soldi mpl, denaro
to pay (in) cash → pagare in contanti
ready cash (fam) → (denaro) contante m
cash in hand → fondo di cassa
b. (immediate payment) to pay cash downpagare in contanti
cash with order/on delivery (Comm) → pagamento all'ordinazione/alla consegna
c. (fam) (money) → quattrini mpl
he's got plenty of cash → ha un sacco di quattrini
to be short of cash → essere a corto di soldi
2. vt (cheque) → riscuotere, incassare
cash in vt + adv (insurance policy) → riscuotere, riconvertire
cash in on vi + adv + prepsfruttare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kӕʃ) noun
1. coins or paper money, not cheques, credit cards etc. Do you wish to pay cash?
2. payment by money or cheque as opposed to payment by account. Cash or account, madam?
3. money in any form. He has plenty of cash.
to turn into, or exchange for, money. You may cash a traveller's cheque here; Can you cash a cheque for me?
cashier (kӕˈʃiə) noun
a person who receives and pays out money (eg in a bank), works at a cash register etc. a bank cashier; a cashier in a supermarket.
ˌcash-and-ˈcarry noun
a store where goods are sold more cheaply for cash and taken away by the buyer.
ˈcash machine noun
(also ˈcash dispenser, ~cashpoint ; American ATM) a machine, usually outside a bank, from which people can get money with their credit cards or bank cards.
cash register
a machine for holding money, which records the amount put in.
cash in
to exchange for money. I've cashed in all my shares.
cash in on
to take financial or other advantage of (a situation etc). He is the sort of person who cashes in on other people's misfortunes.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


نُقُود hotovost kontanter Bargeld μετρητά dinero en efectivo käteinen raha liquide gotovina contanti 現金 현금 contant geld kontanter gotówka dinheiro em espécie деньги kontanter เงินสด nakit tiền mặt 现金
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. dinero al contado;
___ payment___, pago al contado;
to pay ___pagar al contado.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
I will not strip these men, thought Ahab, of all hopes of cash --aye, cash.
"Once for all, sir," replied the baroness sharply, "I tell you I will not hear cash named; it is a style of language I never heard in the house of my parents or in that of my first husband."
Killeny, my boy, we're goin' to get so rich that if he can't snare a sucker we'll put up the cash ourselves 'n' buy a schooner for 'm, 'n' send him out a-treasure- huntin' on his own.
"The price of this animal," the Hunter replied, "is down to bed- rock; you can have him for nothing a pound, spot cash, and I'll throw in the next one that I lasso.
He knew that Zeena must be wondering why he did not offer to drive her to the Flats and let Jotham Powell take the lumber to Starkfield, and at first he could not think of a pretext for not doing so; then he said: "I'd take you over myself, only I've got to collect the cash for the lumber."
A Billiard-maker, whose skill was immense, Might perhaps have won more than his share-- But a Banker, engaged at enormous expense, Had the whole of their cash in his care.
What with mortgages and arrears, I'm as short o' cash as a roadside pauper.
To-day in the City it is true that you could raise a million pounds in cash, but let me whisper a word, one little word, and you would be hard pressed to raise a thousand.
Vasili Andreevich did not pay Nikita the eighty rubles a year such a man was worth, but only about forty, which he gave him haphazard, in small sums, and even that mostly not in cash but in goods from his own shop and at high prices.
We can't buy one minute of time with cash; if we could, rich people would live longer.
Anatole Kuragin was staying in Moscow because his father had sent him away from Petersburg, where he had been spending twenty thousand rubles a year in cash, besides running up debts for as much more, which his creditors demanded from his father.
Here was the cash account, showing how the money had been spent.