Canva Free

Design made easy, and free.

Create amazing visual content with no design experience. Start by yourself, or invite others to collaborate.

Purple and Cream Illustrated Technology Pitch Deck Presentation
Cream Minimalist Photography Presentation
Purple Modern Real Estate
White Black International Mountain Day Instagram Post
Company Culture Book Company Presentation in Blue Green Yellow Color Block Style
Blue and black minimalist digital marketing agency instagram post (Facebook Post)
Blue Webinar Instagram Post
Abstract modern Annual Report
Orange and Brown Casual Corporate Management Professional/Business Services LinkedIn Video Ad
Clam Shell Brown Creative Modern Pattern Background Photo Small Business Management Instagram Post
Modern Fashion Black Friday Sale Promotion Flyer
Peach Purple and Cream Interior Design Presentation
Colorful Gradient Giveaway Instagram Post
Orange Just Listed Social Media Graphic
Orange and Green 20% OFF Drinks Poster
Modern Company Business Brand Guidelines Presentation
Colourful Floral Spring Collection Fashion Instagram Post
Playful & Aesthetic iPhone Mockup Instagram Story
Teal and Orange Minimalist Business Consulting Instagram Post
Purple and Pink Nails Salon Business Card
Orange and White Retail Department Store Back to Business Flyers
White Colorful Modern May Day Poster

Create, collaborate, publish and print

Design anything with thousands of free templates, photos, fonts, and more. Bring your ideas to life with Canva's drag-and-drop editor. Share designs easily, with a simple click.

Design engaging content for Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok in minutes. Post them directly from Canva.

Loved by millions of people around the globe


Monthly active users


Content library


Designs created




Of the Fortune 500 use Canva

Visualize your ideas with ease

Always start inspired. Effortlessly customize over 250,000 free templates for any need.

Create with millions of free assets

Find everything you need to design in one place. Canva has an extensive media library of free stock photos, videos, graphics, audio tracks, and more.

Design better together

Create your own masterpiece or collaborate with as many others as you need. Add comments, assign actions, or design together – all for free.

And many more features

Thousands of free templates

Effortlessly customize over 250,000 free templates for any need.

Drag-and-drop editor

Start designing in seconds with an editor built for everyone.

Edit your existing files

Upload and customize your PDFs, PowerPoint slides, Word docs, images, and more.

Professional Styles

Stay in style with color palettes and matched fonts instantly.

Print your designs

Design and print products for any occasion – birthdays, weddings, campaigns, and more, with free delivery.

Stunning Charts

Create beautiful charts and infographics that make an impact.

Share in a click

Download your design, share with a link, or post on your social channels instantly.

And many more

Design efficiently with integrations across your favorite work tools.

Start your project inspired

Bring your ideas to life. Choose from thousands of professionally made templates for any design need. Customize it fully to suit your style.

Dark Green Green Purple Trending Now Square Instagram Post
Pink Fun Simple Clean Cute Trendy Inclusivity Skate New Arrivals Instagram Post
Green Pink Minimalist Geometric Business Coach Events Instagram Story
White, Yellow and Pink Organic Bold Abstract Shapes Facebook Post
Navy Yellow White What's New LinkedIn Post
Blue Elegant Sale Quick Create Twitter Post
Mint House Photocentric Real Estate Broker Instagram Post
Royal Purple Pastel Purple Yellow New Video Live YouTube Thumbnail
Charcoal and Gold Modern Elegant Fashion Sale Facebook Ad
Pastel Purple Pastel Orange Yellow Dreamy Design Inspo Pinterest Pin
Scale Up Business Strategy Instagram Story
Pink Yellow Gradient Business Tweet Facebook Ad
Colorful Gradient Giveaway Instagram Post
Blue Simple New Product Instagram Story
Yellow Blue Red New Product Release Instagram Story
Pink and White Watermelon Summer Sale Promotion Instagram Story
Green and Pink Summer Reading List Blog Promotion Instagram Post

Design wherever you are

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Grow with our community

Design made easy for everyone

Create beautiful designs quickly, with professional templates and unlimited content. Best of all, it’s free.

Design made easy for everyone

Create beautiful designs quickly, with professional templates and unlimited content. Best of all, it’s free.

Frequently asked questions

Canva is for everyone looking to create visual content easily. Design for any kind of project on your own or with your peers. No experience needed.

Canva Free gets you all the basic tools you’ll need to design on your own or with collaborators. This includes thousands of templates, millions of media from images to graphics and videos, plus an easy-to-use editor to create anything you need. Canva Teams is ideal for teams of all sizes that need productivity and smart design features of Canva Pro with advanced controls to collaborate and publish on-brand designs at scale.

Canva is always free for every individual. However, if you want to unlock premium features, individuals can upgrade to Canva Pro to easily create professional designs and content. If there are two or more people, upgrading to Canva Teams provides access to premium features, and teams will love the content management, collaboration, and approvals features.

You can invite as many people as you like to join you on Canva for free.

Your designs are always private, unless you explicitly choose to share them or save them as templates for your team.

We offer free subscriptions to Canva Pro for nonprofits. Apply today(opens in a new tab or window).

Primary and secondary school students can access Canva for Education, our free offering for educators. Your teacher needs to invite you to join Canva for Education(opens in a new tab or window). They can do this from their Canva for Education account. Here's how(opens in a new tab or window).

Canva for Education is not currently available for college and university students, but you can still use Canva free or Pro.