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果仁系列 片裝巧克力 焦糖系列 榛子蓉系列 鮮製巧克力甜點
Review (19)
Level4 2019-01-13
Godiva朱古力有幾出名(仲有幾貴)大家都聽得多🤔咁今次我哋就嚟試吓佢嘅軟雪糕啦🍨.香草白巧克力軟雪糕🍃🍦$50呢款白朱古力軟雪糕比我想像中嘅更重朱古力味🍫本來以為杯雪糕會好重雲呢拿味但意外地朱古力香味並冇被香草擒住,食落去亦唔會太甜,亦夠軟滑,食到停唔到口😋整體評分:7.5/10.雙重巧克力軟雪糕🍫🍫 $50雙重巧克力嘅意思係白朱古力同埋黑朱古力嘅混合版,但係明顯地黑朱古力嘅味就掩蓋左白朱古力,咬落雪糕殼非常脆🍦,亦好有心思咁係邊邊沾上朱古力做裝飾,但建議如果要試嘅就唔好㨂mix試番單一口味較好🧐整體評分:6.5/10.Godiva Chocolatier (金鐘)金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場二期LG1樓Great Food Hall. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
A few months ago saw the Earl Grey chocolate chip icecream on Godiva’s menu but the price was covered because it wasn’t available yet and Godiva HK didn’t know when it would be launched because I contacted their HQ in April 2015.Happened to see this flavour available when I walked past in July so I bought one.The Earl Grey chocolate chip flavour was the best compared to the other tub flavours that I have tried in the Godiva range because it was not that sweet.There was a natural Earl Grey flavour and the chocolate icecream was not that overwhelming with delicious pieces of heart shaped chocolate chips found in all Godiva’s tub icecreams.◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $45Service: OKYummy factor: okSweetness levels: just rightEnglish labelling: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-03
借花敬佛送友人一盒月餅,卻回贈一盒Godiva曲奇,要友人破費,心感不安。曲奇用一紅色紙抽袋袋好,紅色,正好應節,而鐵盒是綠色,用紅絲帶綁好,還結了小蝴蝶,好有美感。盒內有兩款曲奇,抹茶朱古力曲奇和朱古力曲奇,共十八塊。曲奇是兩塊薄薄的餅夾著餡醬,我童心未泯,像電視廣告的小朋友吃 Oreo,要將餅的夾心揭開來看,抹茶曲奇是綠色的,夾心是抹茶朱古力醬,顏色嫩綠,很美!曲奇很鬆化,抹茶的甘味也突出,有牛油味但不濃,沒有蓋過抹茶的風頭。而朱古力曲奇,餅是原色,同樣是鬆化,而夾心是黑朱古力醬,微苦的可可,配純牛油曲奇,好好味。盒子蠻有用,薄薄的,大小剛好放一個七子普洱茶餅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
寒冷的冬天,最適合就是在家裡來個熱烘烘的火鍋,吃著整間屋變得溫暖起來。愛吃甜的,那更不能錯過朱古力火鍋。朱古力火鍋是瑞士火鍋的一種,把朱古力放入瓦鍋中煮融,再加入牛奶,令朱古力變得更軟滑。然後,便可把喜愛的水果或蛋糕等,沾上暖暖的朱古力漿來吃,香甜美味。早前,朋友帶來了Godiva的朱古力火鍋套裝,內裡有六款朱古力條,當中兩款是節日特別版,薑餅及焦糖蘋果批味。第一次弄朱古力火鍋,大家顯然有點不知所措。起初奶的份量下得太多,所以要一次過下三排朱古力才夠濃稠。薑餅味道加上牛奶味道的朱古力條,吃下去仍帶濃郁的薑餅味,若朱古力漿全也用上薑餅味朱古力條的來調製,其味道一定更為醇厚。其後還試了焦糖蘋果批牛奶朱古力味,香甜的可可味味帶著焦糖蘋果的芳香,百般滋味在心頭。至於朱古力火鍋配料有草莓、香蕉、甜餅乾條、牛油蛋糕及雪糕糯米糍。想起朱古力,就好像離不開草莓,兩者天生一對,香甜的朱古力漿包著新鮮草莓,不但外觀漂亮,味道同樣吸引。利用餅乾條及牛油蛋糕,更可吸收更多朱古力漿,吃下更濕潤豐厚。第一次用雪糕糯米糍,這樣配搭看來不錯,不只是雪糕,還有層糯米軟皮增添口感。朋友試了,可是雪糕糯米糍在室溫下放久了,雪糕溶後令口感變差。朱古力火鍋所發出的熱力雖不及平常吃的火鍋多,但吃了過後同樣感到溫暖,而且更多一點甜。跟朋友一同來分享朱古力的甜,比吃火鍋更溫暖。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-01-04
Gingerbread in milk chocolate truffle bar This was immensely disappointing for me. There was hardly any taste of gingerbread in the truffle centre. I was even half expecting there to be pieces of gingerbread within the truffle – what a mistake. Actually, the truffle centre was so insubstantial that the chocolate truffle bar was more like a solid chocolate bar. For Godiva’s standards, I’d say this candy is a let down. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)