The Meaning Behind The Song: Avalon by Roxy Music - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Avalon by Roxy Music

The Enchanting Story Behind Roxy Music’s Avalon

Roxy Music is a pioneering 70s band renowned for their ability to blend elements of glam rock, pop, and art rock into their unique sound. Throughout their illustrious career, Roxy Music released several hit songs, but none quite captured the hearts of fans as “Avalon” did.

Released in 1982 as the title track of their album, “Avalon” has since become a timeless classic, cherished by music lovers across the globe. But what exactly does the song mean? In this article, we’ll explore the story behind Roxy Music’s “Avalon.”

The Inspiration Behind the Song

According to Bryan Ferry, the lead vocalist of Roxy Music, the inspiration behind “Avalon” was a mystical and mysterious place that was always in his imagination. The name “Avalon” is derived from the legendary island in Arthurian mythology that was said to be the final resting place of King Arthur.

In an interview, Ferry said that Avalon represented “a spiritual location, a place of beauty, or something romantic and unattainable.” He further stated that Avalon was a metaphor for a place that one seeks, but never quite reaches.

The Unique Sound of the Song

One of the unique things about “Avalon” is its sound. The song features a smooth, mellow, and atmospheric sound that stands out from Roxy Music’s usual style. The band’s longtime collaborator, Phil Manzanera, said that the sound of the song was achieved by using a variety of musical techniques.

For example, the song features innovative use of synthesizers, percussion, saxophones, and other musical instruments. The smooth sound of “Avalon” is also aided by Ferry’s soulful and mellow voice. The end product is a song that is at once dreamy, haunting, and evocative.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Avalon” are shrouded in mystery and symbolic meaning. On the surface, the song seems to be about a man pining for a lost love and reminiscing about how happy they were together. However, the lyrics are arguably metaphorical and have a deeper meaning.

For instance, Ferry sings: “Now the party’s over, I’m so tired…then I see you coming out of nowhere, much communication in a motion, without conversation or a notion.” These lines suggest that the speaker is nostalgic about something that has ended, but remains optimistic about the future.

It’s possible that the lyrics of “Avalon” also allude to the mystical island of Avalon, a place that is always out of reach. Ferry seems to be searching for something that is beyond his grasp, but remains hopeful nonetheless.

The Legacy of “Avalon”

Despite being released almost four decades ago, “Avalon” remains a timeless classic. The song has been covered by several artists, including Brian McKnight, Juliette Lewis, and La Roux. It has also been featured in numerous films and television shows, cementing its place in popular culture.


In conclusion, the story behind Roxy Music’s “Avalon” is as enigmatic and mysterious as the song itself. The inspiration behind the song, the unique sound, and the metaphorical lyrics all come together to create a masterpiece that has stood the test of time. Whether you’re a fan of Roxy Music or not, “Avalon” is a song that deserves to be listened to and appreciated.

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