I have dual boot configuration with Fedora and Windows XP. Keyboard is normal US standard keyboard. Now that I am working for a UK based client, I need to use pound sign quite often. Currently I am copy pasting it, and it is a bit annoying. If it is possible to type pound sign using US keyboard, then that will be great. Please post any method you know other than copy pasting.

5 Answers 5


For US Keyboard:

  • Windows:

    1. Alt+0163 (on numpad with Num Lock on)

    2. Alt++ (numpad)a3

  • Mac: ⌥ Option+3

  • Linux:

    1. Compose L - / Compose - L

    2. Control-Shift(hold down) then ua3

To enable Windows 2., set the registry keyHKCU\Control Panel\Input Method\EnableHexNumpad to 1 (REG_SZ) and reboot.

  • I have tested Windows and Linux (fedora) and it works fine. But I couldn't test this in Mac. Please test and post comment below. Thanks
    – WarFox
    Jun 5, 2011 at 11:00
  • 1
    I'm on a Mac. It works
    – user78429
    Jun 5, 2011 at 11:15
  • 1
    On Linux you could enable a compose key and then: <compose> + L + = should give you £. May 2, 2012 at 11:01
  • @Dennis, the hex version for Windows doesn't work for me; just gives a ♥ (as though Num+ and a did nothing)
    – Nick T
    May 24, 2012 at 4:18
  • 1
    @muffinresearch: I'm pretty sure you mean <compose> + L + -. <compose> + L + = creates the Lira sign (₤), not the pound sign (£).
    – Flimzy
    Oct 11, 2013 at 23:17

On Windows and Linux, use the "U.S. International" keyboard layout, which is US with additional modifiers and characters used abroad. The £ is on RightAlt+Shift+4.

You can also get £ on Windows by entering Alt+0163 or Alt+156.

On Mac OS X, simply press Option-3 for £, or use the British layout, where £ and # are exchanged (Option-3 and Shift-3). Otherwise, they're very similar (check with Keyboard Viewer).

  • RightAlt+Shift+4 is not helping me. Alt+0163 is working in windows. I haven't checked in Linux.
    – WarFox
    Jun 5, 2011 at 10:42
  • It is not working in my Fedora installation
    – WarFox
    Jun 5, 2011 at 10:59
  • 1
    AltGr+Shift+4 is indeed the correct combination for the U.S. International layout, and I can confirm that it works: £££££££££££
    – JdeBP
    Jun 5, 2011 at 14:03
  • 2
    That US Intenational keyboard is annoying as when you type a quote character it waits for another key before typing anything. This allows you to compose weirder characters but if you're just looking for the odd pound it's a steep price to pay.
    – Rory
    May 12, 2015 at 13:01
  • 3
    BEWARE! Even though it works on Windows £, this is going to screw up your quote ' ", tilde ~ and some other keys because United States-International layout has modified characters enabled and waits for a second character after aforementioned key press to produce characters like á é í ó ú etc. So to get single or double quote you need to press it twice. Really annoying.
    – igor
    Jul 31, 2017 at 10:07

On a European keyboard on Linux type AltGr + Shift + 3.

You can always find it out by greping the keyboard layout config files under /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/* for sterling.


For Windows 11/10 on a US laptop keyboard, you have the following options:

  1. Press Windows+. to show the emoji panel, then find the £ symbol in there (may be on a different tab if you haven't used it recently)
  2. Switch your keyboard setting to ENG UK (using Windows+Space) and type Shift+3
  3. Switch your keyboard setting to ENG INTL (using Windows+Space) and type Shift+Alt Gr+4

If you have a keyboard with a separate numeric keypad (I don't), you can supposedly use the following:

  1. Alt+(keypad)0+1+6+3
  2. Alt+(keypad)1+6+5

(Mac and Linux have been well answered by the answer above.)

  • I hit Windows+Space by accident and this saved me
    – Brad
    Apr 11 at 0:24

I can't manage to have my sterling sign associated with my keyboard command. It's a Portuguese Brazil ABNT2 layout (set to Portuguese (Brazil) language). In Windows, it works easily by using CTRL + ALT + 4, but tried all combinations for Ubuntu (14.04 LTS) and just can't make it work.

Difficult situation for a Brazilian accountant in the UK haha

-----> SOLVED (by trial and error lol)

altGr + shift + 4 = ¼ altGt + Tab + 4 = ££££

yaaaay (the bad thing is that everytime I press tab it moves to the next cell)

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