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What is a GMO ?
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What is a GMO ?
Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism. Currently available GM foods stem mostly from plants, but in the future, foods derived from GM microorganisms or GM animals are likely to be introduced on the market ( WHO, 2014).
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering is the deliberate , controlled manipulation of the genes in an organism through the use of biotechnological procedures.
What are the benefits of genetic engineering ?
-Enhance quality and taste
-Increase nutrients
-Improve resistance to pest and disease
-Conservation of natural resources (less water and energy to process).
Popular Genentically modified crops and percentages
Soy beans 81%
cotton 81%
Maize 35%
Canola 30%
What are some popular traits that are being engineered ?
-Herbicide tolerance
-insect resistance
-"Stacked traits" (combination of both)
Top 10 GM foods ?
Dairy products
Is organic always GMO free?
-In 2008, the USDA was putting 15 out of 30 federally accredited organic certifiers they audited on probation, allowing them 12 months to make correction or lose their accreditation.

-At the heart of the audit for several certifiers were imported foods and ingredients from other countries including China.

-Certified organic ginger was found to be contaminated with levels of a pesticide called "aldicarb"
- Sold under the "365" label at Whole Foods Market.

-Inadequate funding for enforcement, including for organic imports from countries like China, guarantees it will be easy for unscrupulous farmers to cheat.
History of GMO
The U.S. Supreme Court in Diamond v. Chakrabarty rules that genetically altered life forms can be patented. The decision allows the Exxon Oil Company to patent an oil-eating microorganism.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves the first genetically engineered drug, Genentech's Humulin, a form of human insulin produced by bacteria. This is the first consumer product developed through modern bioengineering.
The first field tests of genetically engineered plants (tobacco) are conducted in Belgium.
The first field tests of genetically engineered crops (tobacco and tomato) are conducted in the United States.
•The FDA declares that genetically engineered foods are "not inherently dangerous" and do not require special regulation.
•Calgene's Flavr Savr tomato, is approved for commercial production by the US Department of Agriculture.
•The European Union's first genetically engineered crop, tobacco, is approved and labeled in France.
•A total of 35 approvals had been granted to commercially grow transgenic crops.

As of 2004, genetically modified crops were being grown by 8.25 million farmers in 17 countries (James, 2004).
Soybeans , maize , cotton , and canola are 4 genetically modified crops that dominate biotech agriculture.
Country with GMO food Labeling Law
How are GMO's made
A gene from another organism is inserted into the crop of interest

Refer back to Slide 15
What are GMO's Used for?
Crops and plants
-Blue rose
-Algea / Duckweed
-resistance to herbicides and pest
-increase nutritional value
-research for human diseases
-Pets ( glow in the dark cats) (hypoallergernic)
Enhanced food quality ( enviropig)
-Improve animal health
-Glofish ( zebra fish )
-glow depending on the environmental pollutant
Aqua Advantage salmon
-fish matures in half the time and grows twice as much
Health Effects of GMO's
According to the World Health organization GM foods currently available on the international market have passed risk assessments and are not likely to present risks for human health. In addition, no effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved."

According to the American Association for Advancement of Science ( AAAS ) "crop improvement by the modern molecular techniques of biotechnology is safe."
Safety Assessment for GMO's
(a) direct health effects (toxicity),
(b) tendencies to provoke allergic reaction (allergenicity);
(c) specific components thought to have nutritional or toxic properties
(d) the stability of the inserted gene;
(e) nutritional effects associated with genetic modification
(f) any unintended effects which could result from the gene insertion.
Issues with Determining Direct effects
Limited publicly available studied on effects of GMOs
GMOs are widely distributed so it is difficult to determine what is caused by GMOs directly in humans
Adverse Effects of GMO's
●Allergic Reactions:
o Scientific study showed people with Brazil nut allergies got reactions to modified soybeans because it had a gene inserted from the Brazil nut product not released into the market
o UK study showed rise in soy allergies since modified soy was introduced skin prick test showed allergies not modified soy but not natural.

BT corn
Workers handling Bt Corn in India developed skin and respiratory problems and have to take antihistamines almost daily
Could also be due to pollution highly correlational

Antibiotic Resistance:
Research has shown that the barriers for this gene to "jump out", spread, and incorporate are very low.
Spread of resistance due to overuse of antibiotics are higher
Pesticide Resistance
Many crops have been engineered to be pesticide resistant or "Round Up Ready"
can be sprayed with a strong Roundup pesticide and not be killed
active ingredient is glyphosphate
Fear that glyphosphate is in the food

Glyphosphate and Autism
Stephanie Seneff at MIT did a study on the effects of glyphosphate
Saw a correlation of glyphosphate use with autism
Experimentally Determined effects
Rats fed GM potatoes had smaller livers, hearts, testicles, brains, and had damaged immune systems,
more vulnerable to infection and disease
stomach lining of rats fed with GMO potatoes showed excessive cell growth