MSU AGR 100 Final Flashcards | Quizlet

MSU AGR 100 Final

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People who criticized the Green Revolution did so for the following reason(s).
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People who criticized the Green Revolution did so for the following reason(s).
-Changed local food growing patterns
-Reduced the number of local varieties being grown
-Encouraged some farmers to grow crops for sale instead of being for own use
-Correct All answer options
Missouri had important tobacco growing regions along the Missouri River.
The Green Revolution originally affected China and India.
What war created the high demand for crops leading to major over plowing and latter over production?
Early Native Americans utilized tobacco for providing endurance during wars.
Which crop originating in the Ònew worldÓ was instrumental in breaking the famine cycle in Europe?
What Soviet scientist pioneered the effort to collect genetic breeding material from throughout the world?
None of the given
What is thought to be the early ancestor to corn?
"Given that the most people live in Urban areas in the United States, agriculture careers are very limited in America."
Philosophers agree that the development of agriculture has allowed an increase in the number of people that Earth can sustain.
The original potato had such high concentration of toxins that it was poisonous to people and animals.
Plants domesticated in the Americas include:
What two types of corn were crossed in ReidÕs field?
-CaverÕs corn and Profit maker
-Profit maker and Round-up ready
-Mortgage lifter And CaverÕs corn
-Correct None of the given
"Tobacco, Corn, Potatoes, and Tomatoes are all crops that were found in the New World but not found in Europe and Asia."
Federal Land policy that provides for citizens to be able to own/manage land use is highly linked with its food security.