GMOs: Lesson for Kids |
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GMOs: Lesson for Kids

Instructor Caroline Ebeling

Caroline is a bilingual (Spanish and English) teacher and a trilingual (Spanish, English, and French) children's book author with a master's degree in bilingual education.

On your last trip to the grocery store, you might have noticed food products that were labeled 'Made with non-GMO ingredients.' What does this mean? What are GMOs? And why do so many people find them controversial? Let's begin this plate debate!

Imagine you're walking through the cereal aisle in a grocery store. You pick up a box of your favorite corn puff cereal, but as you go to put it in the shopping cart, your mom stops you. She says to get the other brand that's made with non-GMO corn. You wonder, 'What are GMOs?'

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You might be surprised to learn that 90% of all the food that you see at the grocery store contains GMOs. Why? This is because many products contain ingredients made from the following foods, which are the most popular GMO crops: soy, canola, corn, papaya, sugar beets, zucchini, and yellow squash. Corn, for example, is not just found in the produce section - corn syrup and cornstarch are made from the vegetable and are ingredients in many different types of food, including your cereal!

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So why did your mom tell you to get the non-GMO cereal instead? Although some people believe that GMOs are safe to eat and help crops grow better, there are others that believe they are harmful, not only to your health, but to the environment as well. Let's learn why.

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GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are plants, animals, bacteria, or viruses that have been genetically changed by scientists using DNA from another organism. GMOs are commonly used in food products. Although some people think that GMOs help farmers to grow better crops, there are others who believe GMOs are not healthy for our bodies or the environment.

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