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Related to British: British accent


a. Of or relating to Great Britain or its people, language, or culture.
b. Of or relating to the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth of Nations.
2. Of or relating to the ancient Britons.
1. (used with a pl. verb) The people of Great Britain.
2. British English.
3. The Celtic language of the ancient Britons.

[Middle English Brittish, from Old English Bryttisc, relating to the ancient Britons, from Bryttas, Britons, of Celtic origin.]
Usage Note: Almost everyone in the British Isles speaks a dialect of English—a legacy of England's historic dominance over the region. Perhaps that is why many Americans treat British and English as if they were synonyms. But such a usage belies the political and cultural diversity of the British Isles, which contain two main islands and a number of smaller ones. The islands are home to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to the Republic of Ireland, and to several smaller political entities such as the Isle of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey. How people refer to themselves in this complex situation often depends on their political outlook. The people of Wales and Scotland, for example, are not English; they may call themselves British in the context of their citizenship in the United Kingdom, or they may call themselves Welsh or Scottish in contexts that emphasize their distinct cultural identity. Similarly, residents of England can be called either British or English. Citizens of the Republic of Ireland are neither British nor English, and in fact many of them avoid using the term British Isles itself, regarding it as fundamentally colonialist. In Northern Ireland, the term Irish is preferred by those who favor independence from the United Kingdom, while British is often preferred by those who support continued union with the UK—but many residents consider themselves both Irish and British. In this dictionary, biographical entries use the terms English and Scottish to describe people who were born in England or Scotland before the year 1707, when the two kingdoms were formally united by acts of both countries' parliaments. We use British to describe English and Scottish people born after 1707. (We use the same year as a cutoff for the term Welsh, though Wales was officially annexed by England in the 16th century.) With a few exceptions, we describe those born in Ireland as Irish, regardless of whether they were born under British rule.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. relating to, denoting, or characteristic of Britain or any of the natives, citizens, or inhabitants of the United Kingdom
2. (Languages) relating to or denoting the English language as spoken and written in Britain, esp the S dialect generally regarded as standard. See also Southern British English, Received Pronunciation
3. (Historical Terms) relating to or denoting the ancient Britons
4. (Historical Terms) of or relating to the Commonwealth: British subjects.
5. (Peoples) (functioning as plural) the natives or inhabitants of Britain
6. (Languages) the extinct Celtic language of the ancient Britons. See also Brythonic
ˈBritishness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈbrɪt ɪʃ)

1. of or pertaining to Great Britain or its inhabitants.
2. of or pertaining to the island of Britain and its inhabitants, esp. before the division of the island into the principalities of England, Wales, and Scotland in the Middle Ages.
3. (used with a pl. v.)
a. the inhabitants of Great Britain, or natives of Great Britain living elsewhere; Britons.
b. the Celtic-speaking inhabitants of Britain before the Germanic invasions of the 5th century a.d.
[before 900; Middle English Brittische, Old English Bryttisc, derivative of Brytt(as) Britons]
Brit′ish•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'Britain'

Britain or Great Britain consists of England, Scotland, and Wales. The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The British Isles refers to Britain, Ireland, and all the smaller islands around the coast.

2. 'British'

The nationality of someone from the United Kingdom is British, although some people prefer to call themselves English, Scottish, Welsh, or Northern Irish. It is incorrect and may cause offence to call all British people 'English'.

You can refer to all the people who come from Britain as the British.

I don't think the British are good at hospitality.
The British have always displayed a healthy scepticism towards ideas.

The British can also be used to refer to a group of British people, for example the British representatives at an international conference.

The British have made these negotiations more complicated.
The British had come up with a bold and dangerous solution.
3. 'Briton'

In writing, an individual British person can be referred to as a Briton.

The youth, a 17-year-old Briton, was searched and arrested.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.British - the people of Great BritainBritish - the people of Great Britain    
nation, country, land - the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole country worshipped him"
Adj.1.British - of or relating to or characteristic of Great Britain or its people or culture; "his wife is British"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
britebritiskbritisk engelskengelsk
británicobritánicosinglés británicolos británicosbritánica
영국 사람영국의
İngilizBritanya'ya ait
người Vương Quốc Anhthuộc Vương Quốc Anh


A. ADJ (gen) → británico; (loosely) → inglés
the best of British (luck)!¡y un cuerno!
B. NPL the Britishlos británicos; (loosely) → los ingleses
C. CPD British Asian Nbritanico/a m/f de origen asiático
British Council N (in other countries) → Consejo m Británico
the British disease N (Ind) (hum) la falta de motivación laboral de los años 60-70 en el Reino Unido
British English Ninglés m británico
the British Isles NPLlas Islas Británicas
British Legion N organización de veteranos de las dos guerras mundiales LEGION British Museum NMuseo m Británico
British Summer Time N hora de verano en Gran Bretaña
British Thermal Unit Nunidad f térmica británica
El British Council se creó en 1935 para fomentar la cultura británica en el extranjero y actualmente tiene delegaciones en más de 100 países. Sus principales cometidos son la organización de actividades culturales, tales como exposiciones y conferencias, con el fin de dar a conocer el arte, la ciencia y la literatura del país, así como la enseñanza del inglés, además de ayudar a aquellos que desean estudiar en el Reino Unido.
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


adjbritannique British Isles
the British → les Britanniques mplBritish Asian
adj (= Anglo-Asian) britannique originaire du sous-continent indien
n (= Anglo-Asian) Britannique originaire du sous-continent indienBritish Broadcasting Corporation n
the British Broadcasting Corporation → la BBCBritish Columbia [kəˈlʌmbɪə] nColombie f britanniqueBritish Council nBritish Council m (organisme public chargé de promouvoir la langue et la culture britannique)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adjbritisch; I’m Britishich bin Brite/Britin; British Englishbritisches Englisch; and the best of British (luck)! (inf)na, dann mal viel Glück! ? luck
n the British pldie Briten pl


British Honduras
nBritisch-Honduras nt
British Isles
pl the Britishdie Britischen Inseln
British Telecom
nBritish Telecom f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj (economy, team) → britannico/a, inglese; (ambassador) → della Gran Bretagna, inglese
2. npl the Britishgli inglesi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈbritiʃ) adjective
of or from Great Britain or the Commonwealth. In this dictionary British refers to British English.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بَريطانِيِّ Brit, britský brite, britisk Brite, britisch βρετανικός, Βρετανός británico, británicos britit, brittiläinen britannique Britanac, britanski britannico 英国の, 英国人 영국 사람, 영국의 Brit, Brits brite, britisk Brytyjczyk, brytyjski britânico, nativo da Grã-Bretanha британец, британский britt, brittisk เกี่ยวกับประเทศสหราชอาณาจักรอังกฤษ, ชาวสหราชอาณาจักร İngiliz người Vương Quốc Anh, thuộc Vương Quốc Anh 英国人, 英国的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
He doctored our old friend so successfully, that, in the course of a few days, it made its appearance in the public room of the British Coffee Houses in King Street."
At all events, he suffered it to remain at the British Coffee House, which was the principal hotel in Boston.
While in the German camp in the Pare Mountains, which lie just east of the boundary line between German and British East Africa, Tarzan had overheard enough to suggest that the British were getting the worst of the fighting in Africa.
The Commander-in-Chief in the great fleet action that will take its place next to the Battle of Trafalgar in the history of the British navy will have no such anxiety, and will feel the weight of no such dependence.
They forgot the difference between British and English, and in their thoughts Arthur grew to be a national hero, a hero who had loved his country, and who was not Norman.
AN American Statesman who had twisted the tail of the British Lion until his arms ached was at last rewarded by a sharp, rasping sound.
When my convivial host discovered that he had told me so much, and that I was prone to doubtfulness, his foolish pride assumed the task the old vintage had commenced, and so he unearthed written evidence in the form of musty manuscript, and dry official records of the British Colonial Office to support many of the salient features of his remarkable narrative.
The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger portion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in Bengal, and a lieutenant-governor at Agra.
The Canadian traders, for a long time, had troublesome competitors in the British merchants of New York, who inveigled the Indian hunters and the coureurs des bois to their posts, and traded with them on more favorable terms.
The qualified negative of the President differs widely from this absolute negative of the British sovereign; and tallies exactly with the revisionary authority of the council of revision of this State, of which the governor is a constituent part.
The officers of the British army, and the loyal gentry of the province, most of whom were collected within the beleaguered town, had been invited to a masked ball; for it was the policy of Sir William Howe to hide the distress and danger of the period, and the desperate aspect of the siege, under an ostentation of festivity.
Ferguson passed for a purely chimerical personage of the Barnum stamp, who, after having gone through the United States, proposed to "do" the British Isles.