What are Bowdoin College's Tuition and Fees?

What does it cost to attend Bowdoin College? Below we’ve mapped out the tuition, fees, and room and board that will help you understand how much you will pay for Bowdoin College. We’ve also included financial aid information to help you pay for college. If you’d like to get a personal estimated cost of attendance based on your situation, use our free cost calculator.

Your estimated net cost
$ ? / year

What does it cost to attend Bowdoin College?

Net Price Breakdown

The Net Price is the estimated cost after the average aid amount is applied to the total amount.

Published costs and averages can be misleading: they don’t fully account for your family’s finances (for financial aid) or your academic profile (for scholarships).

Want to see your personalized net cost after financial aid and scholarships?

Sticker Price Breakdown

The sticker price is the advertised price of the school. You may not have to pay the full sticker price if you get financial aid or scholarships.

Annual cost

Annual Cost
In-state tuition

In-state fees

Out-of-state tuition

Out-of-state fees

Room and board

What’s the final cost (net price)?

You and your family will have to pay the EFC plus any portion of the Financial Need that the college isn’t able to offer you.

Here is an example of the net price
Sticker Price = $40,000
How much the college costs per year
EFC (from FAFSA) = $10,000
How much the government thinks you can pay
Financial Need = $30,000
How much more money you need to afford this college ($40k - $10k = $30k)
Financial Aid Offer = $17,000
How much money the college is offering you (Grants, Scholarships, Student Loans, Work-Study)
Unmet Financial Need = $13,000
Remaining amount you need to afford this college ($30k - $17k = $13k)

Net Price: $23,000
EFC plus Unmet Financial Need ($10k + $13k = $23k)

Financial Aid for Bowdoin College

Financial Aid can come in four ways: Grants, Scholarships, Student Loans, and Work-Study.


Grants can be given out by the federal government, your state, or the college and are based on your financial need. Grants do not need to be repaid.

% of undergraduates that receive Pell grant

Merit Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded based on your your financial need or academic achievements. They do not need to be repaid but you may have to reapply for them each year.

Student Loans

Student loans are sums of money given to students to help them pay for college now. You must pay this money back later with interest.

% of full-time first-time undergraduates awarded federal student loans
Avg. amount of federal student loans awarded to full-time first-time undergrads


Work-study is when you work during the school year, typically an on-campus job. The money you make pays a part of the tuition. It’s a great opportunity, but it’s not free.

Learn more about how it works and what types of jobs are available