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Bobo is a Nextbot that will hunt you down in Evade.

He can spawn anywhere in the map just like the other Nextbots.


Bobo is the avatar of bobowawahaha, a game tester that works with Osterdog. Bobo wears the 2018 Roblox Visor, he has fair coloured skin with the default roblox smile face to boot, his shirt is coloured similar to the visor.

The image used for his in-game appearance is taken from Tower Blitz's "Bobo Blitz" event where he was to provide dialogue to the player for incoming enemies.

His audio cue whenever he's close to the player is Oversized by Peter Jordan.

and when players die to him the audio is actually unknown as of now, it’s just gibberish.


  • Bobo appears in one of Osterdog's other games, Tower Blitz as multiple enemies, friendly units and even as the replacement for the captain in the "Bobo Blitz" event.
  • Bobo also appears within several maps in Evade as an Easter egg:
    • Four Corners: Bobo appears at the end of the long corridor, dancing beside a door.
    • Complex: Bobo appears in a storage room on the lower level of the map, dancing.
    • Drab: Bobo can be spotted out of bounds.
    • Backrooms: In one for the closed corners, you can find a glowing blue light with three Bobos in a curved shape.
    • Desert Bus: In the building with the large tower at the front facing the road, if you clip your camera in there are multiple bobos.
  • Bobo appears as a cosmetic for players to wear, the description also nods to him being within tower blitz. With a plushie version of him being available in the "Exotic" tier of cosmetics.