80 Venezuelan Bolivares (VEF) to Bolivianos (BOB) today

80 VEF to BOB

80 VEF National flag of Venezuela = 0.0022 BOB National flag of Plurinational State of Bolivia at the rate on .

Bs1 = $b0.000028 -$b0.00000015 (-0.54%) at the rate on 2024-05-16.

The exchange rate VEF was last updated on 2021-01-04.

The cost of 80 Venezuelan Bolivares in Bolivianos today is $b0.0022 according to the “Open Exchange Rates”, compared to yesterday, the exchange rate decreased by -0.54% (by -$b0.00000015). The exchange rate of the Venezuelan Bolivar in relation to the Boliviano on the chart, the table of the dynamics of the cost as a percentage for the day, week, month and year.

Currency Converter

Venezuelan Bolivar
VEF National flag of Venezuela Venezuela
BOB National flag of Plurinational State of Bolivia Plurinational State of Bolivia

With the currency converter, you can convert 80 Venezuelan Bolivares to Bolivianos and find out how much eighty bolivares is currently worth in Bolivianos. Also, you can make a reverse calculation and find out the current value of 80 Bolivianos in Venezuelan Bolivares.

78 VEF to BOB 79 VEF to BOB 80 VEF to BOB 81 VEF to BOB 82 VEF to BOB
$b0.0022 $b0.0022 $b0.0022 $b0.0023 $b0.0023

Graph of change in 80 Venezuelan Bolivares to Bolivianos rate

Select the period for plotting the chart:

The Venezuelan Bolivar to Boliviano exchange rate on the chart allows you to track changes over different periods and draw conclusions about possible forecasts of the exchange rate of one currency in relation to another.

Dynamics of the cost changes of 80 Bolivares (VEF) in Bolivianos (BOB)

Compare the cost of 80 Venezuelan Bolivares in Bolivianos in the past with the current price at the moment.
Changes for the week (7 days)
Date Day of the week 80 VEF to BOB Changes Changes %
December 29, 2020 Tuesday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB -0.000004 BOB -0.17%
December 30, 2020 Wednesday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB -0.000003 BOB -0.12%
December 31, 2020 Thursday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB +0.000003 BOB +0.12%
January 1, 2021 Friday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB +0.000011 BOB +0.51%
January 2, 2021 Saturday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB - -
January 3, 2021 Sunday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB - -
January 4, 2021 Monday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB -0.000012 BOB -0.54%
The cost of 80 Bolivares (VEF) in Bolivianos for a week (7 days) decreased by -$b0.000001 (zero boliviano one centavo).
Changes for the month (30 days)
Date Day of the week 80 VEF to BOB Changes Changes %
December 5, 2020 Saturday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB - -
January 4, 2021 Monday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB -0.000004 BOB -0.19%
The cost of 80 Bolivares (VEF) in Bolivianos for a month (30 days) decreased by -$b0.000004 (zero boliviano four centavos).
Changes for the year (365 days)
Date Day of the week 80 VEF to BOB Changes Changes %
January 5, 2020 Sunday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB - -
January 4, 2021 Monday 80 VEF = 0.0022 BOB -0.000011 BOB -0.48%
The cost of 80 Bolivares (VEF) in Bolivianos for a year (365 days) decreased by -$b0.000011 (zero boliviano eleven centavos).

Cross rate of 80 VEF to other currencies