10 Genuinely Crazy Facts About ‘DaVinci Code’ Author Dan Brown

Dan Brown has been recognized and loved as the author of the best-selling series about protagonist Robert Langdon uncovering conspiracy after conspiracy. Brown has mastered the art of suspense, and each of his thrillers reveal shocking ends via webs of lies and cryptic mystery. His newest book, Origin, has just landed him as a best-selling author at The New York Times this month. So, in honor of him, here are 10 Dan Brown facts you may not have known.      Image Via We Hear It         1. As a child, a young Dan Brown would often …

Just For Fun

Dan Brown has been recognized and loved as the author of the best-selling series about protagonist Robert Langdon uncovering conspiracy after conspiracy. Brown has mastered the art of suspense, and each of his thrillers reveal shocking ends via webs of lies and cryptic mystery. His newest book, Origin, has just landed him as a best-selling author at The New York Times this month. So, in honor of him, here are 10 Dan Brown facts you may not have known. 




Image Via We Hear It





1. As a child, a young Dan Brown would often create his own complex puzzles and even his own coded ciphers.





2. After graduating college, young Dan Brown dabbled in music for a while. At first he produced a children’s cassette tape titled “SynthAnimals”.





3. And after that, he self-published a CD aimed for adult audiences titled “Perspective”.





4. Dan Brown was part of the National Academy of Songwriters





5. He met his wife while attending the National Academy of Songwriters. At first, Blythe Newlon worked for Brown and helped him in any way she could. Their relationship wasn’t even known to their associates until 1993 when the couple moved in together. They later married in 1997. Sweet, but kind of scandalous!





6. Dan Brown gets up at four o’clock in the morning. Every. Day. That’s dedication!





7. He appeared as an extra in the film Be Cool 





8. He has a nickname for his library: The Fortress of Gratitude. Amazing.





9. Ironically, Dan Brown hates to read fiction, his reason being that he simply can never get through it.





10. When Brown has writer’s block, he retreats to his loft and takes advantage of inversion therapy. He says hanging from a new angle often gives him a new perspective.







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