Installation | BetterDiscord
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If you experience any issues following these steps, try the troubleshooting guide.

Automatic Installation


If you prefer a video tutorial, take a look at this:


  1. Go to the BetterDiscord Website and click the big download button. Save this somewhere on your computer.
  2. Open the installer you downloaded in the previous step.
  3. Accept the license agreement, and click next to proceed.

BetterDiscord Installer

  1. Select Install then click the next button to proceed with installation.
  2. Select the version of Discord you want to use. If you're not sure what this means, just select Stable. Click the install button when ready.
  3. Let the installer process the installation. It should tell you when the installation has completed.
  4. Verify that BetterDiscord is installed.
  • Open (or switch to) Discord, and open Discord's settings.
  • Check the tabs on the left for a new section called BetterDiscord (see below)

BetterDiscord Settings Tabs

  1. Enjoy BetterDiscord!

Manual Installation

For those that can't get the automatic installers to work, those that want more control over their installation, and for developers.



1. Clone the BetterDiscord repository

git clone

If this fails due to region lock or something similar, you can download a zipped copy directly from

2. Enter the directory

cd BetterDiscord

3. Install dependencies

First install pnpm if you have not done so already

npm install -g pnpm

Then install BetterDiscord's dependencies

pnpm install

4. Build BetterDiscord

This will create an injector.js, preload.js, and renderer.js in the dist/ folder.

pnpm build

5. Install to Discord

pnpm inject