After Cynthia microwaves her bowl of morning porridge, it is either too cold, just right, or too hot. She -
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After Cynthia microwaves her bowl of morning porridge, it is either too cold, just right, or too hot. She estimates that there is a 35% chance that it will be too cold and a 50% chance that it will be too hot. What is the probability that Cynthia's morning porridge will be just right? a) 15%
b) 35%
c) 50%
d) 65%

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Final answer:

The probability that Cynthia's morning porridge will be just right is 15%, which is found by subtracting the given probabilities of the porridge being too cold and too hot from 100%.


To calculate the probability that Cynthia's morning porridge will be just right, we need to recognize that the sum of all possible outcomes (too cold, just right, too hot) must equal 100%. Given that there is a 35% chance the porridge will be too cold, and a 50% chance it will be too hot, we can find the probability of the porridge being just right by subtracting these probabilities from 100%.

100% - 35% (too cold) - 50% (too hot) = 15% (just right)

Therefore, the probability that Cynthia's porridge will be just right is 15%.

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