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Everything you need to know to find your cheap flight

Which day of the week is the best day to buy cheap flight tickets?

The cheapest day to buy plane tickets is Sunday, which offers savings of around 10% on average when compared with booking on Friday, the most expensive day of the week to buy flight tickets*.

When is the best time to buy air tickets?

When travelling domestically in economy class, the best time to buy air tickets is typically 35 days before departure. The data suggests that for premium tickets, no later than 2 weeks before departure is best*. For international flights, it's generally best to book no later than 28 days in advance for both economy and premium class flights.*

Which are the cheapest days to fly?

The cheapest day to fly is Friday, offering savings of nearly 15% on average compared with flying on the most expensive day, Monday, according to historical data*.

Which is the cheapest month to fly?

Flights in July tend to be the cheapest when flying domestically, but the opposite is the case for international flights, when July is the most expensive month. If you are travelling internationally, booking flights in January tends to be the cheapest. Taking advantage of the cheapest month for domestic flights offers savings of up to 25.5%, while travelling internationally during the cheapest month can get you savings of up to 23.7%*.

How do I book a cheap flight?

You can book cheap flights on Expedia by taking advantage of our comprehensive search engine. Just input your travel dates and departure and arrival destinations, and you'll be met with a wide variety of flights. Sort by price, and the cheapest options will be sent to the top of the list, though don't forget to use search filters to make sure you still get the features you want. We even offer special cheap flights deals you can browse.

How can I save money on flights?

The best way to save money on flights is to have flexibility with your bookings. That means being flexible not only with your dates, but also with layovers, connections and even destinations. You can also become an Expedia Member and start collecting points on eligible bookings that can be put towards future trips. It's free so join today!

How can I get cheap last-minute flight deals?

Last-minute flight deals are sometimes available for a wide variety of flights, and you can check them out by inputting your travel dates on Expedia. Sort by price, and you'll be able to see the cheapest flights available for your departure date, even if that date is soon. You can even search specifically for flights under a certain budget, such as cheap flights under $400 .

How to book the right flight with Expedia?

Flight booking with Expedia means taking advantage of search filters, as there are filters for a multitude of aspects including airline, cabin class, layovers, budget limitations and more. Set the filters you want in addition to your travel dates, departure location and arrival destination, and then browse the variety of results from our massive catalogue of flights. Your departure destination can be expressed as, for example, flights from Toronto or flights from Pearson International Airport , so don't hesitate to specify the airport if you like.

What to look out for when booking a flight?

When you book a flight, make sure to keep an eye out for certain relevant policies such as luggage, as well as the specific travel time and cabin class. Additionally, make sure that your flight will arrive at the specific airport that's closest to your ultimate destination, as some cities have more than one. Imagine that you're travelling on a flight to Chicago, for example. Consider whether you want a flight to Chicago Midway International Airport or a flight to O'Hare International Airport.

Where is the cheapest place to travel?

Flight prices are constantly changing, but cheap destinations to travel to from Canada include major cities in the United States. For example, flights