Bedford Park District - Illinois Public Salaries Database

Illinois Public Salaries Database

Search Illinois Public Employee Salary Data


Bedford Park District

Data year




Total expenditure


Median Total Pay



The median salary in Bedford Park District is higher than of Park District median salaries in Illinois.

Bedford Park District spent more on payroll in than of other employers in the Park District category.

The highest spending department in Bedford Park District in was the , with an annual payroll expenditure in of .

Top earners in Bedford Park District
Name Position Department Base Salary Extra Pay

Data year: (Source Document)

Payroll expenditure breakout

Total pay, broken into base and extra categories for all employees, is displayed below in the pie chart.

Median Total Pay

Median Base Salary

Median Extra Pay
Calculated based on agency reporting. Some agencies did not report extra pay.


View all (4)

Top-spending departments in Bedford Park District
Department Number of employees Median total pay Total base pay Total extra pay Total expenditure

Data year: (Source Document)

Top-spending departments as a proportion of total expenditure

Total expenditure, broken into expenditure of the top five spending departments compared to expenditure in all other departments, is displayed in the stacked horizontal bar car.