Bridge Base Online

Getting started

This is a 30 second guide to getting started on Bridge Base Online. Visit our help system for full details.


Click on any name to see the profile for that name (or to send a message to that person).


Hosts are volunteers and staff. Usually available to answer questions.


Click upon "Help me find a game", then "Take me to an interesting table." You will be taken to a table where you can kibitz (watch) a game in progress.


Click on any username for a profile. Note the "Friends" button in each profile.


Click upon "Help me find a game", then "Play - take me to the first seat available." You will be taken to a table that needs you. When it is your turn to bid, a bidbox will appear. When it is your turn to play, click on a card to play that card (or on a card in the dummy, if you are declarer).


Marking someone as an enemy will squelch his chat. Or drop us a line at