Full cast of Bad Kids of Crestview Academy (Movie, 2017) - MovieMeter.com
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The full cast of Bad Kids of Crestview Academy

Here you will find an overview of the cast of the movie Bad Kids of Crestview Academy from the year 2017, including all the actors, actresses and the director. When you click on the name of an actor, actress or director from the movie Bad Kids of Crestview Academy-cast you can watch more movies and/or series by him or her. Click here for more infomation about the movie.

We have made an overview that includes: actors, directors, the production team, the camera team, writers and other crew members.


Ben Browder

Ben Browder



James R. Hallam

James R. Hallam

Barry Wernick

Barry Wernick


Actors & actresses

Sean Astin

Sean Astin

Headmaster Nash
Gina Gershon

Gina Gershon

Senator Wilkes
Sammi Hanratty

Sammi Hanratty

Colby Arps

Colby Arps

Blain Wilkes
Sophia Ali

Sophia Ali

Faith Jackson
Erika Daly

Erika Daly

Sara Hasegawa
Matthew Frias

Matthew Frias

Brian Marquez
Ben Browder

Ben Browder

Sufe Bradshaw

Sufe Bradshaw

Dr. Knight
Ashlyn McEvers

Ashlyn McEvers

Alyson Hess
Ali Astin

Ali Astin

Cameron Deane Stewart

Cameron Deane Stewart

Matt Clark
Drake Bell

Drake Bell

Ben The Naked Wizard
Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson

Swat TeamLeader
Brandon Noack

Brandon Noack

Man In Black #1


Brandon Noack

Brandon Noack

Special Effects Technician