Play free Baby Hazel in Disneyland - Baby Hazel Games -

Baby Hazel in Disneyland

  • Date added Baby Hazel in Disneyland29 Oct 2015
  • Played Baby Hazel in Disneyland8908
  • No of notes Baby Hazel in Disneyland27

Play free Baby Hazel in Disneyland - Baby Hazel Games

It’s every girl’s dream to be able to visit the biggest theme park for kids, Disneyland from Paris. Well, this holiday, Baby Hazel’s parents decided to make her a surprise and take her to Disneyland, as she always wanted to go there, see the Disney characters in real life, take pictures, go on the carousels, take some pictures with some of her favorite Disney cartoon characters and many more activities. The first thing you have to do, is to help your friend, Baby Hazel pack up her things with whatever she needs, as she cannot go empty handed, then you will finally travel with your best friend, Hazel, to Disneyland, Paris. This trip is one of her first trip by now, and by trip we mean that she gets to leave the country, which she wasn’t able to do, by now, as she was either way too little. You girls have the possibility, today, to travel to Paris with one of your favorite characters, Baby Hazel, so we truly recommend you to take advantage of all these fun activities, available only in this new game. Enjoy!

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