Current local time in Australia. What time is it in Australia right now?

Current local time in Australia

Australia is divided into 3 time zones.

Time Zone Time Cities in This Time Zone
Australian Eastern Standard Time
AEST or UTC+10:00
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Canberra, Newcastle, Logan City, Geelong, Hobart, Townsville
Australian Central Standard Time
ACST or UTC+09:30
Adelaide, Darwin, Adelaide Hills, Alice Springs, Palmerston, Mount Gambier, Prospect, Gawler, Whyalla, Murray Bridge
Australian Western Standard Time
AWST or UTC+08:00
Perth, Mandurah, Albany, Kalgoorlie, Kwinana, Geraldton, Busselton, Port Hedland, Broome, Karratha

Find out the current time in all Australia’s cities

Daylight saving time (DST) in Australia

Daylight saving time in Australia is determined by state and territory legislation.

States of South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory observe DST.

States of Western Australia and Queensland, as well as the Northern Territory do not observe DST.

Where DST is observed, see recent and expected DST changes in the table below.
The next DST change is highlighted.
Change Type Time and Date of DST Change Time Change
DST ended Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 3:00 AM The clocks were put back an hour to 2:00 AM.
DST starts Sunday, October 6, 2024 at 2:00 AM The clocks will be put forward an hour to 3:00 AM.
DST ends Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 3:00 AM The clocks will be put back an hour to 2:00 AM.

To determine DST rules for a specific Australian city, click on the city name in the table below or enter it in the top menu search form.


Full name: Commonwealth of Australia
Continent: Oceania
Region: Australia and New Zealand
Population: 21,515,754
Area: 7,686,850 km²
Capital: Canberra
Currency: Dollar (AUD)
Phone code: 61
Domain: .au
Wikipedia article: Australia