Mila Kunis gave birth to her first child earlier this week, a daughter for her and husband Ashton Kutcher. And via his website, Kutcher shared the first photo of their newborn last night — along with confirmation of her name, Wyatt Isabelle. Yes, Wyatt for a girl; the name's Old English origins mean "Little Warrior," which, to be fair, is not gender-specific.

Anyway, the photos. Ashton posted eight cute photos last night, but decided to make a game of it, because he's such a joker like that (see: Punk'd). Only one of the eight images below is of little baby Wyatt, so please leave your best guesses in the comments:

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Some quick thoughts: Ashton and Mila's baby will not have been a llama or dog, unless the past nine months have all been an elaborate prank (see: Punk'd, redux) on the media, while they just snuck down to an animal rescue center earlier this week. In my opinion, Wyatt is also unlikely to be the baby on the right in the third row, because given Ashton's predilection for tech companies and gadgets, he'd probably have a camera capable of taking photos that aren't of potato quality.

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Of the remaining five, my best bet is that Wyatt's top right. One other clue to consider though, is that Ashton also updated his Facebook status last night to plead for "the helicopter [to] please stop hovering over our house, there is a baby sleeping inside!" He added that she is "super cute," as any new father would — but it's perhaps worth looking for the photo of a slightly grumpy baby, one who's already planning to file her first late night noise complaint.

Update: TMZ agrees baby Wyatt is the top right photo here; their detectives conclude that she's wearing "the swaddle and cap that are uniquely provided by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center," where she came into the world.

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Alex Rees
Deputy Editor of News
I’m the news director here at, and I could really use a cup of tea right now. When I say I’m a lady on the street but a freak in the sheets, I mean that I’m eating mint chocolate cheesecake in bed. (Also, I’m a guy.)