Shocking New Findings Reveal That the Vatican Is Waiting for an Alien Savior - Exemplore Skip to main content

Shocking New Findings Reveal That the Vatican Is Waiting for an Alien Savior

Are Vatican officials planning to unite mankind under a cosmic savior?

Are Vatican officials planning to unite mankind under a cosmic savior?


Exo-Vaticana is a paradigm-challenging book. It even comes with a warning: "This book may shatter the comfort of closely held presuppositions."

Authors Tom Horn and Cris Putnam (who previously correctly predicted that Benedict XVI would resign as Pope, which was unheard of) reveal Vatican's unusual fixation on the search for extraterrestrial life and secret preparations for the arrival of a cosmic savior.

However, they warn that this scenario has "dangerous and deceptive end-times ramifications" as the last Pope ("Petrus Romanus," presumably Pope Francis) will assist the rise of the global authority referred to as the Antichrist in the Bible.

You want to know about UFOs and little green men? Contact the Vatican. They have an observatory out in Arizona, and that's what they are looking for.

— Gordon Cooper, NASA astronaut

Exo-Vaticana Findings About the Vatican's UFO Connection

  • Vatican's search for extraterrestrial life goes back centuries.
  • The Vatican owns the most powerful telescope in the world. It's at the Mount Graham Int'l Observatory in Arizona, where Vatican astronomers observe 'deep space.' Attached to that telescope is an infrared camera oddly called "L.U.C.I.F.E.R." UFO research confirms that infrared light allows us to see objects typically invisible to a naked eye.
  • Several ancient traditions, such as Mayan, Aztec, Cherokee, and Jewish (Cabbala), point to the period of 2012-2016 as the beginning of the 'end of times.'
  • The authors cite a 900-year-old prophecy by St. Malachy Morgair, who allegedly had a vision of all 112 Popes, from the first to the very last, the one who will witness the Final Judgment. He wrote down 112 short Latin phrases describing each one. According to the authors, the description of the last Pope on the list, "Petrus Romanus" - Peter the Roman, matches Pope Francis.
  • Vatican libraries contain files confirming extraterrestrial activity on Earth.
  • Vatican theologians consider the possibility that Jesus was a 'star child,' and the immaculate conception was one of the earliest documented cases of alien abduction/visitation. Thus the Second Coming of Christ is expected to confirm that Jesus was in fact an extraterrestrial or a human-alien hybrid.
  • Preparations for an alien 'god' are well on the way. The Church plans to reassure the faithful that the new ET reality doesn't negate the word of the Bible and Jesus Christ as the son of God. The Catholic Church will embrace the new 'savior' and encourage religious people everywhere to do the same.

The holiness and the need for a salvation converge and blend when the bright clean powerful UFO zooms up onto the horizon. Could it be our celestial savior?

— Ted Peters, theology professor

The Allies of Humanity's Message

After reading the book, I came across a channeled message titled “Manipulation of Religious Traditions and Beliefs” that parallels the findings of Putnam and Horn. I offer this message not as a form of evidence - who would seriously believe such a thing? - but as a curious bit of information that you are free to accept, reject, and everything in between.

This and other messages were allegedly transmitted from a group of beings who call themselves “Allies of Humanity.” They state that there is an ongoing effort to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, who will in fact be a false prophet, the Antichrist, ushering in an era of great global deception and tribulation.

It is our understanding that the true Jesus will not return to the world [...]. The one who will come claiming his name will come from the Greater Community. He will be one who is born and bred for this purpose by the collectives that are in the world today. He will appear human and will have significant abilities compared to what you can accomplish at this moment. He will seem completely altruistic. He will be able to perform acts that will engender either fear or great reverence. He will be able to project images of angels, demons or whatever his superiors wish to expose you to. He will seem to have spiritual powers.

Note that the Allies are referring to “visitors,” “collectives,” and “the Greater Community.” Humanity exists within the Greater Community of collectives (e.g., the Grey collective), and these collectives have different and/or competing agendas.

The Allies say that the evidence of this is already in the world. Could they be referring to the evidence uncovered by Horn and Putnam in Exo-Vaticana?

Reality Check

Undoubtedly, something funky is going on in the Vatican corridors of power. It's the Catholic Church, for god's sake! The most secretive organization on Earth.

But is it far-fetched to suggest that the highest Vatican insiders, including the Pope, are expecting a 'cosmic' savior?

Perhaps, it is. But church officials are more and more adamant about the possibility of life on other planets. They want people to know that the Vatican never denied it (Giordano Bruno would be turning in his grave if they didn't burn him to ashes), that the message of Jesus Christ is universal, and that they're on board with the prospect of baptizing extra-terrestrial beings.1

I wouldn't be surprised if in the coming years the Catholic Church made more direct statements confirming the ET reality.

The return of Jesus Christ is still anticipated by a majority of the world's believers.

The return of Jesus Christ is still anticipated by a majority of the world's believers.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Lana Adler


brian from uk on June 10, 2020:

Could be the nostradamus predictions

Bill on November 03, 2019:

Magic Mushrooms are Christ, are Lucifer, are from Space.

Read The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross, Food of The Gods, Carl Jung

James B. on September 04, 2019:

According to Dr. Alexander Hislop Vatican means in Latin the Magician !!!! The Host is the representaiton of the Egyptian sun-god ...IHS means Isis-Homenreb-Seb ! The unhoy Inquisition was a genocide ! This says it all.

Lana Adler (author) from California on April 09, 2019:

Indeed. Very odd name for a telescope!


Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on April 05, 2019:

This is very interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if the Vatican had information about such visitations they kept secret. It's an old institution with many secrets. Why call a telescope Lucifer?

Much respect,


Lana Adler (author) from California on September 22, 2015:

Lol dark humor :)

Jon Mark on September 22, 2015:

The secrets are held in books bound by the leather of heretics! BLLLAAARRRGGGH!

Lana Adler (author) from California on September 22, 2015:

Thank you for the comment, Jack. It is very interesting. I'm not insisting that it's all true, but it is completely reasonable to believe that the Vatican archives hold many secrets, we don't really know what's going on or how bad it is. And is it a coincidence that the Vatican happens to own the biggest telescope in the world, the one equipped with an infrared camera? I think not. As for the second coming, I believe in the spiritual evolution which is taking place in our time, and in that sense, we all need to find the Christ within.

Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on September 21, 2015:

Very interesting. I'm also interested in the writings of Zacharia Sitchin. He has writen about an alien race from the 12th planet who comes around every 3600 years or so. He believes that humans were genetically engineered by the annanuki and our history is full of their influences. If the Vatican has some inside knowledge on any of this, I do believe they will keep it secret to preserve their power and influence. I am a catholic and I do believe in a supreme being being Jesus Christ and what the Bible teaches. The second coming is prophesized and the day and hour is not known. Be prepared spiritually and we will come out of it for the better.

Lana Adler (author) from California on February 10, 2015:

Lol not sure if it's meant as a sarcastic comment or a straight-forward one. I'm good with either one!

Kelly A Burnett from United States on February 10, 2015:

This is a wake up call - we all need! Thank you for the reality check and keeping us posted.

Marc Hubs from United Kingdom on February 09, 2015:

Oh, the universe is a hologram - that's science fact. We don't see with our eyes or hear with our ears, etc. They are just external parts of our bodies which are receivers of incoming information which is then decoded by the brain - it's our minds which determine what we see, hear, smell, etc - therefore the universe is within the mind.

Lana Adler (author) from California on February 09, 2015:

The whole universe could be a hologram, right?

Marc Hubs from United Kingdom on February 09, 2015:

Andromedan contactee Alex Collier (although he's not credible) claims that events like the Miracle Of The Sun were the result of the aliens trying to teach us our true history. But once again, it could be religious deception. Who knows?

Lana Adler (author) from California on February 09, 2015:

Sparkster, the artwork you're referring to is truly fascinating. And there's so much of it. I guess my question would be...if they're using holographic technology in this manner, what could be the purpose of that?

Lana Adler (author) from California on February 09, 2015: