Al Maeen | Arabic-Malayalam Dictionary
Arabic Malayalam - Dictionary

Al Maeen is an Arabic- Malayalam online dictionary that is working in a web address The word means fountain collected from Quran verses Mulk 30.  In this dictionary includes Arabic words, its alphabetic, its category, its patterns, its forms and it’s all type of meaning, Its different types of verbs and nouns, its new usage and modern meaning, word origins and its synonyms and antonyms.  It is well arranged based on authentically referenceable ancient and modern Arabic Malayalam dictionaries and Arabic syntactical and grammatical texts. There is some options on the top corner of right side of site. Arabic alphabetic and about almaeen options. In the Arabic alphabetic, words are arranged alphabetic order: viewers can see strength of the al maeen dictionary. Below, on right side of the site, you may find social network icons of Facebook, twitter, YouTube and  mail. You are my asset and your satisfaction is my strength, so, you can follow me by social media those icons. It is recommended for Arabic language students, research scholar, college lecturers, university professors, school students and language teachers and company translators and interpreters.