Angel of the House: A Journey Through Victorian Womanhood – Timelines

Angel of the House: A Journey Through Victorian Womanhood

Join Angelina Reiner for her public history internship exhibit, Thursday, May 9 & Friday, May 10, 5pm-7pm at The Morgan-Manning House, 151 Main St., Brockport, NY.

Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts.

—Jo March, in Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (1868)

What was it like to be a woman in Victorian America? Was it really as restricted as modern-day media paints it? In my exhibit, “Angel of the House,” I follow the path from babyhood to motherhood and show what being a middle-class woman entailed. As a viewer, you will travel from room to room, each one displaying a different stage of life. In walking the path from the beginning of a girl’s life to having a baby of their own, you will be able to draw your own conclusions on Victorian womanhood. — Angelina Reiner

Join Angelina Reiner for her public history internship exhibit, Thursday, May 9 & Friday, May 10, 5pm-7pm at The Morgan-Manning House, 151 Main St., Brockport, NY.


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