Andy Warhol Lesson for Kids: Biography & Art |
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Andy Warhol Lesson for Kids: Biography & Art

Instructor Nola Bridgens

Nola has taught elementary school and tutored for four years. She has a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, a master's degree in Marketing, and is a certified teacher.

Can you imagine becoming famous for painting soup cans? In this lesson, you'll learn about the life and art of Andy Warhol, an artist who became famous for painting an ordinary item from the grocery store.

How often do you eat a delicious bowl of soup? Do you ever pay attention to the can it comes out of? Campbell's soup cans, a staple in every household, became the subject of a painting by Andy Warhol, a famous artist of the 1960's Pop Art movement. In this lesson we will learn about his life and the art he created.

Andy Warhol: Soup Can Painting

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Andy Warhol's full name was Andrew Warhola, and he was born in 1928 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, to hard-working immigrants from Slovakia, a country in Central Europe. His parents were Catholic and kept many traditions from their Slovakian culture even though they were now living in the United States.

Andy Warhol

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Upon graduation, Andy moved to New York City and got a job as a commercial artist, working for magazines and a television station, among other companies. He became a very successful commercial artist and had a unique style of using blotted lines and rubber stamps to create his art.

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Andy went on to explore other types of art. He co-founded a magazine, designed covers for record albums, painted portraits, and produced films. He also worked in television and hosted his own shows on MTV, a cable television channel.

Andy Warhol died in 1987, but his legacy in art still lives on today. If you ever go to Pittsburgh, you can see his work in the Andy Warhol Museum.

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Andy Warhol was born in 1928 to immigrants from Central Europe. His mother taught him to draw, and he developed a passion for art early on. Andy went on to study pictorial art in college and is credited for helping to start the Pop Art movement in the 1960's with his Campbell's soup can paintings. He later explored many other forms of art and film until his death in 1987.

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