AMD Phenom II X6 1045T vs Intel Core i7-2600

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AMD Phenom II X6 1045T vs Intel Core i7-2600

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Mini Review

AMD Phenom II X6 1045T advantages

AMD Phenom II X6 1045T

Intel Core i7-2600 advantages

Intel Core i7-2600

1045T vs i7-2600 performance comparison

The charts illustrate performance of Phenom II X6 1045T and Core i7-2600 processors in various kinds of programs. The results in the charts are calculated from several benchmarks, that you can view in the "Benchmarks" tab. As a result, performance in individual benchmarks may be higher or lower than what you see in the charts below. We also averaged the numbers for task type specific benchmarks and all-around performance benchmarks, and displayed them in the 'Overall performance' chart.
  - AMD Phenom II X6 1045T       - Intel Core i7-2600

Please see the Benchmarks section for a full list of benchmarks, demonstrating performance difference between 1045T and Intel Core i7-2600 in various types of tests.

1045T vs i7-2600 power consumption comparison

Thermal Design Power
Lower is better
  - AMD Phenom II X6 1045T       - Intel Core i7-2600

Detailed side by side comparison of AMD 1045T vs Intel i7-2600 specs can be found in the Specifications section below. More detailed comparison of low level features of both microprocessors is located in the CPUIDs section.

Pros and Cons summary

Phenom II X6 1045T Core i7-2600
General recommendations:
  General recommendations:





Similar processors

Similar processors use the same socket and architecture as 1045T and Intel Core i7-2600, however their performance and other characteristics are slightly different.


Please visit AMD Phenom II X6 1045T and Intel Core i7-2600 pages for more detailed specifications of both microprocessors.

 AMD Phenom II X6 1045TIntel Core i7-2600
Market segmentDesktop
FamilyPhenom II X6Core i7
Basic details
Model number1045Ti7-2600
CPU part numberHDT45TWFK6DGRCM8062300834302
Box part numberHDT45TWFGRBOXBX80623I72600
Introduction date  
CPU features
Core name  
Platform name  
Technology (micron)  
Data width (bits)64
SocketSocket AM3Socket 1155
Frequency (MHz)27003400
Turbo Frequency (MHz)  
Bus speed (MHz)  
Clock Multiplier  
L1 cache  
L2 cache (KB)  
L3 cache (KB)61448192
Max temperature (°C)  
TDP (Watt) 
Core voltage (V)  
Instruction set extensions
AES / Advanced Encryption Standard  
AMD64 / EM64T 64-bit technology 
AVX / Advanced Vector Extensions  
SSSE3 / Supplemental SSE3  
Supported technologies
PowerNow! / Enhanced SpeedStep 
Trusted Execution  
Turbo Core / Turbo Boost 
Virus Protection / Execute Disable bit 
Integrated Graphics
GPU Type  
Integrated Memory Controller(s)
The number of controllers 
Memory channels (per controller) 
Memory channels (total) 
Supported memory  
Maximum memory bandwidth (GB/s) 

Rows with different specifications or features are highlighted.

For detailed specifications of "AMD Phenom II X6 1045T" or "Intel Core i7-2600" parts please click on the links in the table header.


System setup

AMD Phenom II X6 1045T and Intel Core i7-2600 processors were tested using different system components, that are identified by MB, RAM and VID columns in the tables below. The numbers in each of these columns correspond to one of motherboards (MB), memory configurations (RAM) or graphics adapters (VID), listed below:

MB - Motherboard(s):
1. ASUS P8P67
2. ASUS P8H61-M
3. ASROCK M3A780GXH/128M

RAM - Memory:

VID - Video card(s):

All tests were performed at default frequency and voltage, using manufacturer's stock fan/heatsink. None of the components were overclocked. Motherboard BIOS options were left at default settings.

The results of all benchmarks are broken into four categories: multi-threaded, single-threaded, memory intensive and graphics / gaming.

Phenom II X6 1045T vs Intel Core i7-2600 single-threaded benchmarks

Single-threaded benchmarks run on a single CPU core, and do not depend on such features as the number of cores, or Hyper-Threading technology. Additionally, they do not utilize on-chip caches, dedicated to other cores.


    AMD Phenom II X6 1045T           Intel Core i7-2600

CINEBENCH R10 CPU score (1 core) benchmark

Measures performance of a single-core rendering of a photo-realistic 3D image using CINEMA 4D software engine.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

FLAC encoding - single process benchmark

Reports the number of songs, converted by a single CPU core from WAV to FLAC format using the best possible compression.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

H.264 video encoding - single process benchmark

Measures the number of frames, converted by one CPU thread from MPEG2 format to H.264 format using high quality settings.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

LAME MP3 encoding - single process benchmark

Reports the number of MP3 songs, encoded by one CPU core per one minute.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

PCMark2002 CPU score benchmark

Measures integer and floating-point performance of a single CPU core by running 6 different algorithms, and calculates a weighted score based on the results.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

    AMD Phenom II X6 1045T           Intel Core i7-2600

Super PI (1M) benchmark

Measures time, required to calculate the first 1 million digits after the decimal point in the number Pi.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

XVid video encoding - single process benchmark

Reports how many frames per second can be transcoded by a single CPU core from MPEG2 to XVid (MPEG4) format, utilizing single-pass conversion method.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Phenom II X6 1045T vs Intel Core i7-2600 multi-threaded benchmarks

Multi-threaded benchmarks utilize all CPU cores and other on-chip resources (on-chip caches, internal buffers, etc). Intel's Hyper-Threading feature also helps to improve multi-threading performance.


    AMD Phenom II X6 1045T           Intel Core i7-2600

Apache web server - dynamic pages benchmark

Shows an average number of dynamic HTML pages served per second by local instance of Apache 1.3.41 web server. The test has much greater error margin than other tests.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Apache web server - static pages benchmark

Shows an average number of very simple static HTML pages served per second by local Apache 1.3.41 web server. The test has much greater error margin than other tests.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Blowfish encryption benchmark

Reports encryption speed of pre-defined 32KB text block. The data is encrypted using Blowfish algorithm.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

CINEBENCH R10 CPU score benchmark

Measures performance of multi-core rendering of a photo-realistic 3D image using CINEMA 4D software engine.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

CINEBENCH R10 render time (seconds) benchmark

Measures time taken to render a photo-realistic 3D image using CINEMA 4D software engine.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

    AMD Phenom II X6 1045T           Intel Core i7-2600

CrystalMark ALU benchmark

Runs Fibonacci, Napierian, Eratosthenes and QuickSort integer performance tests on all CPU cores, and reports the sum of results.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

CrystalMark FPU benchmark

Executes MikoFPU, RandMeanSS, FFT and Mandelbrot FPU-dependent tests using all CPU cores, and reports the sum of results.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Euler3D benchmark

Solves specific computational fluid dynamics problem, and reports a CFD cycle frequency in Hertz.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

FLAC encoding - multiple processes benchmark

Reports the number of songs, converted from WAV to FLAC format by all CPU cores using the best possible compression.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Fritz Chess Benchmark benchmark

Measures CPU speed by evaluating chess board positions using Deep Fritz 12 engine.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

    AMD Phenom II X6 1045T           Intel Core i7-2600

H.264 video encoding - multiple processes benchmark

Measures the number of frames, converted by all logical processors from MPEG2 format to H.264 format using single-pass method and high quality settings.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

H.264 video encoding - multithreaded benchmark

Measures the number of frames, converted by all logical processors from MPEG2 format to H.264 format using multi-threading system calls, dual-pass method and high quality settings.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

LAME MP3 encoding - multiple processes benchmark

Reports the number of MP3 songs, encoded by all CPU cores per one minute.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

MySQL 5.0.27 - selecting data benchmark

Shows the number of SQL requests per second served by MySQL server v5.0.27, running on the same computer. This test does not scale beyond 6 CPU cores.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Sandra Dhrystone (MIPS) benchmark

Runs Dhrystone test on all cores, and reports estimated integer performance in MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second).
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

    AMD Phenom II X6 1045T           Intel Core i7-2600

Sandra MultiMedia Floating Point (it/s) benchmark

Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Sandra MultiMedia Integer (it/s) benchmark

Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Sandra Whetstone (MFLOPS) benchmark

Runs Whetstone test on all cores, and reports estimated floating-point performance in MFLOPS (Millions of Floating-Point Operations Per Second).
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Sandra Whetstone SSE2 (MFLOPS) benchmark

Runs SSE2-enabled Whetstone test on all cores, and reports estimated floating-point performance in MFLOPS (Millions of Floating-Point Operations Per Second).
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

XVid video encoding - multiple processes benchmark

Reports how many frames per second can be transcoded by all CPU cores from MPEG2 to XVid (MPEG4) format, utilizing single-pass conversion method.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

    AMD Phenom II X6 1045T           Intel Core i7-2600

wPrime v1.55 (32M) benchmark

wPrime benchmark measures time taken by all logical processors to calculate square roots of numbers from 1 to 33554431 (32M).
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Phenom II X6 1045T vs Intel Core i7-2600 graphics benchmarks

Graphics benchmarks depend on the type of integrated or discrete graphics adapter, and to less extent on the processor performance. Because these benchmarks are synthetic, they may not truly represent gaming performance. However, they still can be used to estimate whether one processor will perform faster or slower than another CPU in games and other 3D tasks.

Important! The processors were tested using different types of graphics adapters, that may not be suitable for comparison.

    AMD Phenom II X6 1045T           Intel Core i7-2600

3DMark2001 score benchmark

Runs a series of game simulations and feature tests to measure graphics and 3D game performance of discrete and integrated GPUs. It utilizes a single CPU core, and it is compatible with DirectX 8 and later APIs.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

CINEBENCH R10 OpenGL score benchmark

Longer is better <MBRAMVID

Phenom II X6 1045T vs Intel Core i7-2600 memory performance

Memory-intensive tests or programs move large amounts of data to/from memory, and they depend more on memory throughput and the size of on-chip caches, rather than on CPU integer/FP/SIMD performance.


    AMD Phenom II X6 1045T           Intel Core i7-2600

7Zip compressing/decompressing speed (1 thread) benchmark

Estimates MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second) rating of a single thread by measuring data compression and decompression speeds, and dividing averaged result by the number of threads.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

CrystalMark Memory benchmark

Evaluates Read, Write, Read/Write and Cache memory bandwidth score. The final result is the sum of measured results.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

PCMark2002 Memory score benchmark

Measures performance of read, write and modify operations in main system and video memory.
Longer is better <MBRAMVID

WinRAR 3.71 (32-bit) compressing/decompressing speed benchmark

Measures compression and decompression speed of random data in KB per second
Longer is better <MBRAMVID


The table below compares support for x86 extensions and technologies, as well as individual instructions and low-level features of the AMD Phenom II X6 1045T and Intel Core i7-2600 microprocessors. Information in this table was retrieved from actual processors using CPUID instruction, and we also utilized internal timer to measure CPU frequency. Be aware that all technologies, disabled in BIOS or by a virtual machine, will be shown as not supported. Different steppings of Intel processors may also have slightly different features. In rare cases, measured frequency may differ from official specifications.

CPU FamilyPhenom II X6Core i7
Model / Processor Number1045Ti7-2600
Measured Frequency2700 MHz3392 MHz
CWID version0.5
Part number (supplied)HDT45TWFK6DGRCM8062300834302
Part number (guessed)HDT45TWFK6DGRCM8062300834302
S-Spec / Stepping Code SR00B
General information
Processor name (BIOS)AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1045T Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Processor name (CWID)Phenom II(tm) X6 1045T 
Logical processors68
Processor typeOriginal OEM Processor
Core steppingPH-E0 
CPUID signature100FA0206A7
Family16 (010h) 6 (06h)
Model10 (0Ah)42 (02Ah)
Stepping 0 (00h) 7 (07h)
SocketAM2+ and/or AM3 
TLB/Cache details 64-byte Prefetching
Data TLB0: 2-MB or 4-MB pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries
Data TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
Instruction TLB: 4-KB pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
L2 TLB: 1-MB, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
Shared 2nd-level TLB: 4 KB pages, 4-way set associative, 512 entries
Cache Details
Instruction set extensions
Additional instructions
Major features
Other features
+ - feature is supported
- - feature is not supported
Features, not supported by all processors in the table, are not displayed

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