ta Travel Tools Bottom Content


Our guidelines for flying with checked bags, carry-ons and personal items.
Check flight departure and arrival information as well as subscribe to text flight notifications.
Details on the aircrafts we fly and other information about our airline and the airports we service.
Everything you need to know to fly with babies, children and teenagers.
What you need to know to fly with your pet or service animal in the cabin. 
Customers of size, customers with disabilities, allergies or who need oxygen concentrators, expectant mothers and more.
An interactive map of all of the cities we fly to and from.
Creating, modifying and canceling reservations, purchasing tickets on and offline, confirmations and boarding passes.
Our seating policies and procedures, checking-in before your flight and boarding your flight. 
Information on your in flight food and beverage options and other services. 
Answers to our most commonly asked questions and other important information you need to know.