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All My Children Rumors & Predictions Page

What Might Happen on AMC!

By Suzanne  5/1/13

J.R. is the one in the coma; shot by David after J.R. shot and killed David's daughter Marissa. That's the gave David visited. Tad is out of town. Erica is an actress and lives in L.A. with Jack. AJ has romantic feelings for Miranda and will save her from Hunter.

It's rumored that AMC is planning to cut back on the cursing on the show, thanks to fan backlash.

By Suzanne  9/10/11

Zach is pretending to be "changed" and working with David. He's really working against David and trying to find out where the other people are that he's keeping hidden.  Zach met with Griff and stopped him from going to the FDA by telling him about his plans. He sent Griff to get some more information or to do some kind of work for him.  Jesse is in on it (and possibly others). On today's episode, Griff is not really dead. He is part of the scam that Zach is pulling. My guess is that they will pretend that Ryan or Zach is shot for Monday's episode, but still it's part of the scam.

By Eva  7/14/11

Sarah Michelle Gellar might make a cameo appearance before the show jumps to the web.

By Eva  5/5/11

I think Erica's kidnapper is Colby because we haven't seen much of her lately plus she has become sort of a fan of Erica since Adam left and she persuaded Caleb to sponsor her blog

By Olivia  4/11/11

The last air date for AMC will be in August of 2011. One Life To Live will continue on television. Olga Sosnovska and Eden Riegel return to AMC.

By Cassie H.  3/20/11

"All My Children" is on a hunt for a new head writer, possibly edging Donna Swajeski and David Kreisman out of the way.

"All My Children" and "One Life To Live" may merge either in the fall or next year, and its rating will rise, only temporary, and that some of the cast members of "All My Children" may have to go back to New York to make that happen.

"All My Children" will be cancelled in the fall.

By Lark 6/26/10

Down the road in PV, Colby moves to New York, but Damon decides not to go. His photos are discovered and he is unsure of how to handle the situation around Colby. He grows more attracted to Liza and sneaks a kiss. How will Tad handle this? Well, our past ghosts always catch up with us. Angie is forced to reveal her condition to David as she struggles to fight the disease she contracted, because of the hospital cutbacks. Erica is torn between two men. Annie and JR become real friends, can they keep it that way? Marissa is going to take Annie down if it is the last thing she ever does, but her plan may backfire. Greenlee decides to send David to jail to protect Fusion. Will he manage to worm out of this one? Amanda makes a discovery and isn't quite sure what to do about it. As Brot sees Natalia getting way ahead of him at the force, he looes it and decides to leave PV. Will Natalia tell him she has feelings for him or let him go? That is a huge question. Meanwhile, Scott's big plans fall through as he finds out Erica and Caleb will take over Palmer's business together. Will he get to keep the invention and Annie?

By Lark 5/9/10

Down the road, J.R. ends up with Annie, and they begin the fight together to gain control of Chandler Enterprises. Scott wins Marissa over after the bond becomes apparent between J.R. and Annie. (Is this her plot to get payback?) Angie begins her fight with David, overcoming each obstacle he throws her way. Meanwhile, Greenlee's pregnancy is confirmed. After a DNA test to prove David is the father (not truly trusting since he had problems with conceiving with Amanda), he starts his super search to find a way for Greenlee to carry her baby to term. Finally, Brot wins over Natalia after spilling his guts that he is in love with her. Liza keeps up her quest to stop Colby and Damon from becoming an item. Will she succeed or will this make the two become more of a bond because of her meddling? Tad starts his quest to win Damon over after him telling him the truth. Will he ever forgive him? J.R. plays an important role in that department. After the episode in the hospital, Janet cons Jake into taking care of her and this causes some problems for him and Amanda. (What kind now; that is another story.) Madison finally gives in to David's demands and starts her plan to seduce Ryan. After finding out Greenlee is pregnant with David's baby, Ryan is ready to move on with Madison. He will fall for her fast. On a different note, Randi becomes pregnant, and it begins a new life for the Hubbards. Will Krystal make a move on Jackson? Since Erica's accident she has become infatuated with her newfound savior.

By Lark 4/26/10

Down the road on AMC, Annie pushes herself into getting JR to be with her. She is determined not to be out of the Chandler mansion. Her dreams of marrying JR are driving her forward. Now Greenlee and David become controlling stockholders at PV Hospital. The agreement David made with Greenlee about not firing Angie and Jake is really taking its toll on him. He is bound and determined to get the goods on both of them and encourage the hospital board to fire both of them without letting Greenlee know about it. Meanwhile at the casino, Madison's plan is in motion. Her getting a job was part of her big plan to seduce Ryan. With Greenlee out of the picture, she manages to gain his interest in her other than a simple employee. She is determined to be his no matter what the cost. Tad decides he needs to tell Damon that he is his father and hopes it will help the boy instead of making his life worse. Damon has finally gotten on track by taking his meds and seeing his mind freaky doctor, as he calls him. He is bound and determined to win the love of Colby. She already sees that he can be more and despite the marriage trust, she is determined to sway her dad into believing Damon is worthy of her courtship. While Tad and Krystal have disagreed on how Damon should act, she sees that he is really trying this time. Tad and Krystal realize they still love each other very much and decide to try the marriage again. As Adam and Brooke take their long journey of traveling around the world, he is on cloud nine. He regrets ever letting Brooke slip away from him. He can hardly wait until the divorce is final from Annie. He wants to marry Brooke on a beautiful island in Hawaii. On a brighter note, after Erica realizes that Jackson is her one true love, they remarry despite their differences with Greenlee. Her outburst in court about Kendall in the long run made them stronger and more determined to make the marriage work this time. Jack knows it will work. He has always loved Erica and always will. As Amanda gains her fame and fortune, her mother continues to meddle in her marriage. She hopes Amanda will leave Jake and then she can live with her and help raise Trevor. Jake will never give up his son or Amanda no matter what. He can never forget what a hard road they traveled to get where they are, so he will fight to keep his family intact. Angie and Jesse continue trying to spend more quality time together. It seems she is even more tied up at the office since David took over the controlling shares. She knows he is going to make her life miserable which might lead to her and Jesse's separation. Nope, nothing can destroy what those two share. As a team, they defeat David once again.

Liza being the talk of the town manages to gain her position as DA. She doesn't care who gets in her way. She is never going to let that stop her. On the romance side for Liza, I see a battle with Madison to gain Ryan's attention. Liza knows that the night they were at ConFusion she almost had him convinced to go home with her if not for Greenlee. With Greenlee out of the way, she can begin her secret battle to gain the ever so kind and loving Ryan. Down the road Marissa senses there is more to Annie and JR than they both let on. All the fighting and pushing going on between those too make her very suspicious of them. She decides to set up her own trap to catch them sneaking around. After her adopting AJ, she knows that JR will never give him up. She refuses to let Annie ruin her marriage just because Brooke ruined hers. (Little does she know that Annie ruined the marriage herself.) Despite Marissa's mission to become best friends/sisters with Annie, she will most definitely not let her guard down. After Palmer's will is read, Opal finds out she is the co-beneficiary with Daisy to all of Palmer's fortune. She decides to team up with Daisy and make it a joint partnership making the two the most powerful PV women. (Yes, even more so than Erica.) Down the road after Damon and Colby hook up and enter into a relationship, they get word from Bailey that she can no longer take care of Stuart, so the two decide to wed and make Stuart Liza's grandson. This doesn't matter to Liza. She will enjoy being with the child again no matter what the circumstances may be. Will this break the evil side of Liza that she has become, because of Tad? We'll just have to wait and see on that one. As Natalia starts her road to stardom, Brot becomes very jealous of her and her glamour. He decides to make a move on her and make her his own special kind of star. The relationship starts out really rocky because of her choices. He will finally win her over and these two become a really hot item.

By Suzanne 2/17/10

  • Brooke and Erica will fight over Jack again.
  • Dixie will urge Tad to reunited with Krystal.
  • David is in love with Greenlee and does what he can to break her and Ryan up
  • Annie fights her pending insanity with Scott's help but loses Adam
  • Colby will mend fences with Annie
  • Damon and Colby will have a real romance
  • Reggie will return and create a triangle with Damon and Colby
  • Dani has more problems with Madison
  • Kendall will return but without Zach
  • Kendall, Erica and Greenlee will have to fight to save Fusion from someone
  • Liza will have a hard time letting go of Tad
  • Tad will have to win back Krystal's heart
  • Angie will have a big decision to make about whether she wants to stay in town or not
  • When Brot finally tells Natalia how he feels, she will wonder why it took so long
  • Jake and Amanda will have a real crisis in their marriage that does not involve David.
  • Petey will be not be Palmer's only heir
  • J.R.'s near-death experience will change him.

Daytime Confidential rumors 2/17:  David and Greenlee will try to get married privately, but Erica will break it up.  Also, when Colby does something to try to push Annie over the edge, Annie is shocked that Scott doesn't ride to her rescue.  CRAZY and RANDOM RUMORS� Adam enlists Tad help to track someone down. Who? Greenlee asks for Jake's help. Does Erica want Greenlee to disappear, again? JR gets worse before he gets better. Erica helps Tad and Jake get what they need to stop David's blackmail of Angie. Can Angie and Jesse get back on track? Frankie wants to try and help them but his help could cause more problems for the supercouple. Brooke returns to Pine Valley! (I think this last one is actually a spoiler)

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2007-2009 predictions

Other predictions pages: ATWT, B&B, Days, GH, GL, OLTL, Passions, PC, and Y&R.

Page updated 4/22/15

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