Alexander Fleming: Discovery, Contributions & Facts - Lesson |
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Alexander Fleming: Discovery, Contributions & Facts

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Instructor John Williams
Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin and the subsequent development of antibiotic drugs to fight infection revolutionized medicine in the 20th century. Take a closer look at Fleming's contributions to medicine and learn lesser-known facts about the discovery of penicillin.

Undoubtedly, throughout life, we as humans will deal with infections of different types. Pathogenic organisms are constantly fighting to work their way into our bodies. Occasionally, they succeed and when they do, they can cause the symptoms usually associated with microbial invasions. For many of these infections, antibiotics serve as the best course of treatment.

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  • 0:00 How We Use Antibiotics
  • 0:45 Fleming and Penicillin
  • 2:25 Facts About the Discovery
  • 3:40 Lesson Summary

Alexander Fleming was a Scottish scientist and microbiologist. At an early age, he began to develop his love for science as a member of the Royal Polytechnic Institute in London. In 1903, Alexander Fleming enrolled in St. Mary's Medical School, where he received training in biomedical research and microbiology. He eventually became a lecturer at St. Mary's and contributed to research that focused on vaccine development and infection treatments.

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It is interesting to note that Alexander Fleming is just as lucky as he was brilliant. The fact of the matter is that Fleming's discovery took place at the perfect time and his ingenuity made it possible for this discovery to be developed.

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Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin revolutionized the antibacterial medicinal industry and is responsible for the development of this class of drugs. While many new antibiotics are on the market today, many of the original drugs developed from penicillin are still being used today to treat some of the most common infections and diseases. Through his brilliance, ingenuity, and pure luck, Alexander Fleming was able to change the course of medicine for generations to come.

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The development and use of antibiotics today can be attributed to Alexander Fleming's accidental discovery of penicillin. The inhibitory effects of mold on bacteria created a zone of inhibition, which can ultimately be used to fight infection in the body.

Today, penicillin is used to treat common infections.

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