Alcatraz Island Topo Map in San Francisco County, California

Alcatraz Island
Part of Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Also Known As: The Rock, Yerba Buena, Pelican Island, Bird Island, White Island, Alcatraces Island, Alcatrazes Island, Isla De Alcatraces, Isla De Los Alcatraces, Isle of Alcatraces, and Los Alcatrasses.



Area of dry or relatively dry land surrounded by water or low wetland.
land Icon Land
Map Marker

GPS Coordinates

Latitude, Longitude:
37.8265946°, -122.4233048°
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Elevation Icon


112 ft. (34 m.)


National Historic Landmark open to the public. Begun as a military fortification and the site of the first U.S. lighthouse on the Pacific Coast (1854), Alcatraz was the first official Army prison in the nation. In 1934, the facility was transferred to civilian authority and it became the repository for the most hardened criminals. Alcatraz represents the far end of the penological spectrum, designed for punishment and incarceration only, rather than rehabilitation. The prison was closed in 1963, and ten years later the island was opened to the public as the first unit of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

Topographic Map

US Topo Map

The USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) publishes a set of the most commonly used topographic maps of the U.S. called US Topo that are separated into rectangular quadrants that are printed at 22.75"x29" or larger. Alcatraz Island is covered by the San Francisco North, CA US Topo Map quadrant

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Water Icon Water
Land Icon Land
Man-made Icon Man-made

Nearby Islands

Nearby Cities

Nearby Points of Interest

0.1 mi Alcatraz Island Lighthouse Man-made
0.6 mi Alcatraz Shoal Land
1.0 mi Arch Rock Land
1.1 mi Municipal Pier Man-made
1.1 mi Shag Rocks Land

What activities are at Alcatraz Island?

Walking paths
Nature trails
Mountain biking
Horse trails
Camping (tent)
Camping (RV)
Camping (cabin)
Camping (shelter)
Picnic areas
Disk golf
Tennis courts
Basketball courts
Volleyball courts
Baseball fields
Swimming pool
Ropes courses
Water skiing
Scenic location

Can you describe Alcatraz Island?

Historical Weather

Below are weather averages from 1971 to 2000 according to data gathered from the nearest official weather station. The nearest weather station for both precipitation and temperature measurements is SAN FRANCISCO DOWNT which is approximately 4 miles away and has an elevation of 175 feet (63 feet higher than Alcatraz Island). Because the nearest station and this geographic feature may have differences in elevation and topography, the historic weather at the two separate locations may be different as well.

Average Daily Temperatures by Month (°F)

Average Monthly Precipitation (in inches)

Month Precip AVG
Jan 4.72" 58.1° 46.4°
Feb 4.15" 61.4° 48.5°
Mar 3.40" 62.5° 49.2°
Apr 1.25" 64.5° 50.1°
May .54" 65.4° 51.4°
Jun .13" 67.7° 53.2°
Jul .04" 68.2° 54.4°
Aug .09" 69.2° 55.6°
Sep .28" 71.3° 56.1°
Oct 1.19" 70.4° 54.6°
Nov 3.31" 64.1° 50.8°
Dec 3.18" 58.6° 46.7°

Summer High Temps

This location's average summer high temps are lower than 97% of other locations on record.

Winter Low Temps

This location's average winter low temps are higher than 98% of other locations on record.

Precipitation Levels

This location's average precipitation levels are lower than 71% of other locations on record.