Travel at the best price with our flight deals!

*Modifying this information may result in a different fare

Travelling the world at a small cost is possible with Air France. You can book cheap airline tickets thanks to our many promotional flight deals and other great offers. Available for more than 800 international destinations, our flight deals also offer a high level of service. Perfect for travelling in dream-like conditions, and at the best price.

Flight deals and amazing offers: the ideal solution for cheap travels

Whether you are travelling for business or pleasure, Air France offers a lot of promotional flight deals. Thanks to these deals, you can book an airline ticket at the best possible price. To do so, simply browse through all our best offers and promotions. In just a few clicks, you will definitely find the flight deal suited to your budget and desires.

To save even more money, you can browse through all our cheap flights scheduled for the next 6 months. These flight deals are best suited to travellers most flexible in terms of departure dates, and grant you access to unbeatable prices. Why not give it a go?

Discover our flight deals to more than 800 destinations

The promotional flight deals offered by Air France also provide a myriad of à la carte options. There are lots of options to adjust to find the best flight deal, such as the duration of your trip, departure and return dates, type of trip (single or return), on-board services, etc.

In addition to offering amazing prices, our various promotional flight deals give you access to over 800 destinations throughout the world (England, France, Brazil, Japan, etc.), from all main American and foreign airports. Another great reason to travel, as you can save money doing so.