Age Calculator - How Old Am I?

Age Calculator

How old are you? Age Calculator can tell you instantly. Enter your birth date to find out.

Date of Birth
Age at the Date of
Modify the values and click the Calculate button
Age in Months
Age in Weeks
Age in Days
Age in Hours
Age in Minutes
Age in Seconds
Next Birthday
Born on

The calculator will display your exact age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

How to Calculate Age

Our calculator can help you figure out your age or you can calculate your age yourself.

Here's how to do it yourself step by step:

  1. Birth date: Remember the exact day, month, and year you were born.
  2. Current Date: Note down today's date, month, and year.
  3. Subtraction: Subtract the year of birth from the current year.

For instance, if you were born in 1990 and the current year is 2023, you are 2023 - 1990 = 33 years old.

Alternatively, you can use our age calculator:

  1. Enter your date of birth in the box.
  2. If you want, You can change the 'Age at the date of' to a different date.
  3. Click Calculate, and our tool will quickly tell you your age. That's it!

How Does the Calculator Work?

The calculator works on the most common age system. In which the age of a person increases on his birthday. Most Western nations use this method to count age.

While in traditional Chinese culture, the Lunar New Year is used to count age. The age of a newborn baby is one year at birth, and each lunar new year adds one year to their age.

Chronological Age

Chronological age is the time that has passed since a person was born. It is an unchanging and constant measure of time. You can express it in years, months, days, and more.

For instance, If you were born in 1994 and this year is 2023, your chronological age is 2023 - 1994 = 29 years.

However, you can easily find out your chronological age using this free chronological age calculator.

How Old Am I Today?

How old are you? Our age calculator can tell you in a single click. Just enter your date of birth and hit the calculate button. It will show your age in years, months, and days.

Furthermore, the tool also tells you how many days are left until your next birthday and what day of the week you were born on.

How Old Was I on X Date?

Want to know how old you were on a certain date? You can find out with this age difference calculator. Use the 'Age at the Date of' feature to know your current age based on the given date.

How Many Days Old Are You?

It's easy to calculate your age in days. Just multiply your age by 365 days (or use 366 days for leap years) and add the number of extra days since your last birthday.

For example, if you are 25 years old and your birthday was two months ago, your age in days would be:

25 x 365 + 60 = 9,185 days

How Old Will I Be?

Determining how old you will be in the future is simple. Just subtract the year you were born from the year of the future date you want to know about. Here is an example:

2050 (Future Date) - 1997 (Birth Date) = 53

So if you were born in 1997, you will be 2050 - 1997 = 53 years old in 2050. That's how you can find out your future age easily.

Date Formats

Date formats can differ from one culture or region to another. Some of the most used are:


The tool is based on standard date formats (DD-MM-YYYY) to determine the age or interval between two dates. So, enter the date as day, month, and year.

The current date relies on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and you can change it to any past or future date.

How Old Was The Oldest Person Ever?

Jeanne Calment (1875–1997) of France was the oldest person ever. She lived to the age of 122 years and 164 days. Jiroemon Kimura (1897–2013) of Japan was the oldest man ever. He lived for 116 years and 54 days.

Age Calculator FAQs

How Old Would You Be If Born in 1998?

If you were born in 1998 and the current year is 2023, your age would be 25 years.

What Is My Age If I Was Born in 2003?

As of 2023, if you were born in 2003, your age is 20 years.

What Year I Was Born If I Am 18 Now?

As of now, If you are 18 years old, you were born in 2005.

If I Was Born in 2009, How Old Will I Be in 2050?

If you were born in 2009, you will be 41 years old in 2050.

If I Am 11 Now, What Age Will I Be in 2050?

To calculate your age in 2050, add your current age to the difference between 2050 and the current year. we can determine it as follows:

11 (current age) + 2050 (target year) - 2023 (current year) = 38.

So, if you are 11 now, you will be 39 years old in the year 2050.