Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge & Shipping Museum
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Duluth Canal Park & Harbor

canal park shipping canal
The Drechborg Lake Freighter enters the ship canal while the Polsteam
out in the lake waits its turn.

Lake Superior Marine Museum





Watching the big ships come and go is entertaining. The shipping schedule and information about the ships and their cargo can be had by grabbing a copy of the Duluth Shipping News available in front of the Lake Superior Marine Museum located in the shadow of the bridge.

Lake Superior Marine Museum

The Musuem also has monitors showing departures and arrivals, plus some really neat exhibits on the history of shipping on the big lake.

algolake freighter
Every day during the shipping season, big freighters come through the shipping canal. Click here if you'd like to see a slide show of the AlgoLake as she came through the canal into the harbor.

Interested in seeing one of the big Lakers come through the shipping canal? Check the schedule & ship details here at this website.

Canal Park Aerial Lift Bridge

Here the Aerial Lift Bridge lifts to allow an excursion boat to pass through the canal to the inner harbor on its return from a cruise out on the big lake. The bridge is an equal opportunity worker, raising as promptly for a 25 foot pleasure sailboat as it does for a huge commercial 1000 foot Laker.

aerial bridge and canal park
One of Canal Park's carriages runs adjacent to the Lakewalk in the shadow of the
famous Aerial Lift Bridge that anchors the Canal Park shopping and tourism district



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bentleyville tour of lights
Duluth's amazing Bentleyville Duluth Christmas Lights Village.

santa visit
Duluth Holiday Events and Fun.

gooseberry falls park
Winter - Michigan UP
Winter - Wisconsin Winter - Minnesota
Winter - Sault Ste Marie.

Duluth Enger Park Tower
Duluth's Enger Park and Enger Park Tower.

tall ships

Tall Ships Festival

Canal Park Brewery Beer Garden
Enjoying lake breezes and views at the Canal Park Brewery Beer Garden - Canal Park.

Tall Ship US Brig Niagara

duluth harbor and lift bridgeThings to Do and See in Duluth, Minnesota

Canal Park Brewery Beer Garden Enjoying lake breezes and views at the Canal Park Brewery Beer Garden - Canal Park.

gooseberry falls
Gooseberry Falls
State Park

porcupine mountains hiking trails
Hiking and Camping Guides & Books

Fall color photos from Enger Park Tower
Skyline Drive offers best views of Fall Color in Duluth

About the Superior Hiking Trail