Wonder Woman Casting Call: Who Should Play Wonder Woman?

Ranker Comics
Updated April 28, 2021 202.0K views 32 items
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Vote up your favorite casting choices to play Wonder Woman.

Casting Wonder Woman is an incredibly hard task as she is arguably the most iconic woman in all of comic history, and she's never been portrayed on the big screen (yet). Not only is the actress responsible for playing the most prolific super heroine ever, but she has to be the very first.

Wonder Woman must be strong and capable of action while still be beautiful and exotic. She must have a sense of humor but still come across as regal. The actress must be not only talented with the written word, but also with stunt and fight work.

Gal Gadot is the current actress who plays Wonder Woman, in films like Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman 1984, and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (and as such she's included on this list) but in this Wonder Woman casting call we wanted to know if there was anyone else you thought might be more suitable. These are the actress who should play Wonder Woman.