Alphabet Song ♬ Nursery Rhymes

Alphabet Song

There are many known versions of the alphabet song in different languages. Each of them follows the same pattern, helping children learn the order and the spelling of the alphabet letters.

Together with the traditional Apple Pie ABC, The Alphabet Song also known as The ABC Song (see below), are some of the most popular songs that teach kids the alphabet in English.

The Alphabet Song (ABC Song)

The ABC Song is one of the most popular English alphabet songs in the USA. The song was first published and copyrighted by Charles Bradlee in 1835 named “The ABC- a German air with variations for the flute with an easy accompaniment for the piano forte”

Similar with Baa, Baa, Black Sheep and Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star the ABC song has its origins in the French song “Ah, vous dirai-je, maman” by Louis Le Maire from 1761.

Below you can find the lyrics of the most popular versions of the ABC song, both in the USA and the UK, but also in other English-speaking countries. The main difference is that in the UK alphabet, the letter “Z” is pronounced “Zed”, while in the United States, “Z” is pronounced “Zee”, thus the last verse rhymes differently.

The Alphabet Song (ABC Song) Lyrics

The USA version

W and X
Y and Zee
Now I know my “ABCs”
Next time won’t you sing with me?

The Alphabet Song (ABC Song)Version

UK and Canada version

In some English-speaking countries, where the Z is pronounced Zed, some lyrics are changed in order for them to rhyme.

Sugar on your bread
Eat it all up
before you are dead.

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