Husband responds to - [My husband asked for a divorce, then changed his mind hours later + 1 year update] : r/BORUpdates Skip to main content

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Husband responds to - [My husband asked for a divorce, then changed his mind hours later + 1 year update]


I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/ThrowRAIndecisiveHus posting in r/relationship_advice and r/TrueOffMyChest

Concluded as per OOP

2 updates - Long

Original - 3rd April 2023

Update 1 - 10 November 2024

Update 2 - 11th March 2024

1 New Update

Thanks to u/snarkaluff for finding this update

Husband responds - 22nd April 2024

Husband OOP is u/ThrowRAIdontevenk

My (23F) husband (25M) asked for a divorce, then changed his mind hours later

Background: we've been together for two years, married for one. We're both in our early twenties.

The night of the bullshit we'd had an argument about the distribution of chores that I think triggered it. I thought it wasn't fair that I was doing the majority of the housework, on top of being a full time student at university and having a job. He seemed to think the chore distribution was fair and that I was overreacting. We came to a solution after all the bullshit I'm about to tell you about occurred, but essentially I was feeling overwhelmed and unheard and he was feeling stressed and confused as to why I thought this was a problem.

Later that night we're discussing the situation again, and I express how it feels like he's not listening to me and how distant he's been lately. Then he says there's a reason for the distance and I ask him to tell me why. He says that he thinks we moved too fast, he doesn't know who he is, and he wants a divorce. He says he cares about me, but doesn't love me. And that he's been feeling this way for a while.

Now, I've promised myself since years ago that I would never try to make someone stay with me if they don't want to. So, as much as this hurt, I said okay. I cried, he cried. I did ask if he wanted to try couples therapy before divorcing but he said no. We decided to sort out details in the morning, I grabbed some blankets to sleep on the couch and he went upstairs to bed.

In the midst of my sitting on the couch crying and looking up apartments, what felt like hours later, I hear him get up and come to the living room. He sits down next to me and just says "I fucked up so bad".

I freeze when I hear this, because I've barely processed the reality of what just happened and I can already see where he's going next. I ask him to elaborate and he says he doesn't want a divorce, that he doesn't know why he said that and he's feeling the most regret he's ever experienced in his life. He says that he realizes he fucked up and I don't have to take him back.

At this point I've experienced so much emotional whiplash that I've completely numbed out. I'd already cried all the tears I could. Now was just sitting there next to my sobbing husband and saying I'd take him back even though I'd barely processed the fact that he'd wanted to divorce me. I told him I wanted couples counseling and for him to get individual therapy and he agreed. I've asked him about individual therapy in the past but he never wanted to until now.

It's days later now. I've gone through all the stages of being mad at him, depressed that my marriage almost ended, insecure about myself, accepting the reality, feeling love for him, feeling numb. Cycling through all these emotions over and over again at random. We're searching for a couples counselor but a lot of them have wait-list right now. So in the meantime I just want to know, if anyone has been in a similar situation: does it get better? Does the trust ever come back? I feel like I can't trust him at all now. When he touches me I freak out sometimes because that's not the comforting feeling I'm used to when he touches me, it's the feeling like he's suffocating me.

I want to be here for him and help him through whatever mental shit he's going through. But this has been affecting my work and my school, I left my dream school for him. I can't just keep prioritizing him above everything else when he clearly doesn't do the same for me. And yet until now he was doing the same for me, he's always been so sweet buying me flowers making dinner going out of his way to make time for us. And before you scream abuse please know I've been in abusive relationships before and they felt nothing like this. He's not like those guys this is the first time he's ever done something like this. I just don't know how we can recover. Any advice about how to get through this would be appreciated.

Tl;Dr: husband asked for a divorce then changed his mind hours later. I don't know how to ever trust him again



Personally, I think you need to be single and work on yourself. If you got married a year into your relationship, that means you were engaged within just a few months of knowing him. Now you’re sobbing over this man and taking him back in the same breath/two hours after he said it was over. Also, just because he regrets what he said doesn’t mean he didn’t mean it. There was definitely truth behind his statement “we got married too fast.” There seems to be a lot of co-dependency in this relationship on both sides.

OOP: I think you might be right, it really fucking hurts..


Yep, it will hurt, but it won’t be forever. You need to focus on you, he needs to grow up more.


In my experience, if he will do that once, he’ll do it again and again and again.


Yeah dude pulls divorce when confronted about CHORES.


  • "hubby will you take out the trash?"

  • "screw you, DIVORCE ME!"

  • "hubby will you pick the kid up from day care?"

  • "screw you, DIVORCE ME!"

yeah....i can see ol'boy dropping divorce for everything! You don't drop divorce until the last possible breaking point.

I feel trapped in my marriage and I can't tell anyone - 8 months later

Eight months ago my (23F) husband (25M) asked for a divorce, then changed his mind hours later. We went to couples therapy and individual therapy (though he quit his individual therapy after just a couple sessions claiming he'd look for a new therapist and never did). We've worked through a lot of our issues, we've become better partners to each other. But despite all our improvements my mind keeps going back to that moment.

I find myself constantly monitoring his emotions, looking into his eyes to try to see if he's still in there or if they're vacant like they were that day. I completely shut down around his friends because I saw the text conversation he had with his best friend the day of and how they shit talked me. My husband swears his best friend doesn't hate me but I don't believe him. I live my life in constant fear that today is going to be the day he changes his mind again and leaves me. I've become obsessive about saving money in my personal account so that if he does leave I'll be okay. I find myself apologizing for everything, making myself small. I hate this version of myself. I feel like a coward.

Last night we had a fight about it because I asked for reassurance and he got upset. He said he's been trying so hard but that no matter what he does it feels like it will never be good enough. And honestly, he might be right. He really has been trying so hard and has been such a good partner these past few months, but I can't get what he did out of my head.

I've tried to explain so many times in so many ways how much what he did hurt me and how it's going to take time to heal. His response last night, "good people make mistakes, get over it". So I decided that the pain of bringing it up again and again and hurting him in the process wasn't worth it. I told him I'd stop talking about it and try to forgive him. I feel like I've just made the ultimate betrayal to myself.

I stopped individual therapy a bit ago to save money, but the combination of last night plus the fact that I feel compelled to post on reddit about this probably means I should go back. I fantasize about going back to my dream school, running away, just leaving all of this behind. I hate that I gave up my dream life for a man who maybe doesn't even want me and that I'm stuck playing the part of the good quiet wife who shuts up for the sake of protecting his image. I hate what I've become. It's hard to see a way out.


So, what I'm reading here, is that though your husband has done so much work and improved so much for his marriage... He cannot consider your side of.. The marriage. Because a marriage is between two people, two partners, it takes more than just one side. It doesn't sound like he's improved as much as he thinks he has. If he cannot be assed to have a conversation with you about it, that's where the bar is for your marriage. Especially after he instigated this crater in the road and has 'worked to fix it.'

OOP: To be fair to him, it's probably hard for him to feel like he can't fix what he did. I'm not the only one hurting in this. I keep trying to talk about it with him to try to work on fixing it, but it just seems to make him upset and he says it doesn't help anything.

Update - 1 year later from original post

One year ago I (24F) made this post asking for advice on how to continue with my relationship after my (now-ex) husband (26M) betrayed my trust by telling me he wanted a divorce out of the blue and then changing his mind just a couple hours later.

As stated above, he is now my ex. Those of you who said that he would repeat the same behavior again, you were right. On New Years Day 2024 he said he wanted a divorce, packed a bag and left to a motel, then came back hours later. I'll admit, I was a wreck that day. I asked him if this was just going to be like last time and he said no. I asked him if he felt mentally okay and he said he felt fine. I got on my knees and begged this man to stay (not my proudest moment) and he looked at me with empty, vacant eyes and just left.

I was in tears for a couple hours, but then I opened this app to try to distract myself and saw he had made a (now-deleted please don't go looking for his account) post on the divorce subreddit about how he left me and felt bad but didn't regret it. Then I went from depressed to furious. I called my landlord and told him that I was getting a divorce and needed his help in changing the locks. My landlord was very understanding and helped me do so.

A few hours later I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it my ex-husband was standing there, I didn't even get a chance to tell him to leave because he immediately collapsed into my arms sobbing. The first coherent words to come out of his mouth were "you're not gonna take me back are you?"

Reddit, I would love to say that I rejected him right then, but I didn't. Even after all of this I was still hooked into his web of manipulation. So instead I sat down with him and had a long discussion about how much he hurt me, how in the middle of working to rebuild the trust that had been broken between us he completely destroyed any progress that had been made and found a way to make that distrust even worse. I don't remember the details of what he said, but he always knew what to say to get me to feel sorry for him.

The night ended with me saying I would take him back. He was smiling, saying he'd never felt so hopeful, he wrote me a love poem that night for the first time in years. Meanwhile I had never felt so broken, and I told him that after he said he felt so hopeful. He shrugged it off and said I'd feel better in the morning. I did not, in fact, feel better in the morning.

During the next few days while I was trying to pick myself back up, study for finals, and continue going to work as if nothing was wrong, he went back and forth every day on whether or not he loved me, whether or not he wanted to be married to me. He said he thought he loved the idea of being a husband more than he loved me.

My last straw was when I reached out to one of his childhood friends, who I had interacted with a few times and though I could trust to be honest with me, and asked him if he had ever noticed any red flags in my ex-husband's behavior in his past relationships or behavior towards women in general.

This friend assured me that he had never noticed anything of the sort. I thanked him and asked if he could please not tell ex-husband I asked that since I was afraid of what he might do. When my ex-husband came home from work that day I could immediately tell he knew. He opened the front door so forcefully.

He sat down on the couch next to me, told me he knew, and said in a low and almost growling tone of voice "But I know you didn't mean any harm by it". I was frozen in fear and couldn't say anything, but then he grabbed my face and turned my head to look at him and his eyes looked so cold, and he said again "You didn't mean any harm by it right?". I nodded and forced myself to answer "right".

And I knew in that moment this man would kill me if I didn't find a way out of this relationship, if I didn't kill myself first with how bad my mental health was getting after dealing with him insulting and belittling me day after day. I was genuinely starting to spiral into a dark place I hadn't been to in years.

The next day while he was at work I packed a bag, wrote a note telling him I'm leaving and that I want his stuff out of the house when I get back, left the note on the counter with my ring and spent the night at my mom's.

It is an uncontested divorce, filing by mail, and should be finalized in April. I started the paperwork at my mom's house that first night of separation.

Since ending my relationship I have gone to therapy and realized just how abusive and manipulative my ex-husband was. I also understand how broken he is, but being mentally unwell is not an excuse for abusive behavior. What he did to me was abuse and I'm not afraid to say that anymore. I have reconnected with old friends and made new ones.

I have started doing things that I love again, things he never wanted me to do like wearing red lipstick or eating mint-flavored things and going to concerts. I've realized I never want to be married again. I've discovered my polyamorous identity and have begun to explore this side of myself. I have plans to move out of my hated hometown that he had dragged me back to. I feel so much more joy, freedom, and self-love than I ever did when I was in a relationship with my ex-husband.

I won't be using this account anymore after this, as I have no need to. But I want to thank this community and the other reddit subs that I've participated in. If I had never made my original post I don't think I would have realized just how awfully my ex-husband treated me. Thanks to the support of hundreds of voices telling me I deserved better, I realized how true that statement was. I deserve better, and now I have better.

I also want this update to be a beacon of hope to anyone who has found themselves in a similarly emotionally/verbally abusive situation: life is so much better when you leave. There is hope, there is light on the other side of the pain.

Thank you again Reddit. I am finally free.



That friend of his a fucking low-down dirty scoundrel. I’m so glad you’re out of this situation. And how exhausting is your ex? It’s so weak and pathetic, breaking up and getting back together day after day. I wish him the life he deserves.


I'm gonna maybe say something that might sound wrong but bare with me. The friend did OP a MASSIVE favour. If he hadn't told the ex husband she called, it may have been a while before OP saw that scary side of the ex and for all we know he may later down the line have snapped and hurt her, this way she saw it and got out physically unharmed.


Damn, it looks like you've joined the "He's not abusive" to "Update: He is abusive" club. I'm glad you're free now. Hope you have a great life.

**New Update**

Husband's response - 1 month later

I know I'll probably come off as the villain but I need to get this out. I destroyed my marriage and I still don't even know why.

I'm in my twenties, so is my ex-wife. We had this fast summer romance, it was my first relationship that ever got serious. She wanted to go to college in another country, and I didn't want to lose her so I said I'd go with her. Maybe that's where I first fucked up. Turns out getting a work visa when you don't know the language is pretty much impossible, and so the only way I could go with her was if we got married. She asked if I would marry her, and I said yes. At the time I thought we would be getting married someday anyways, so why not shorten the timeline a bit. I really did love her, I want to emphasize this because my actions later on admittedly did not reflect that. We had a small wedding, I've never been one for fancy things and she said she'd rather spend the money on our future than some elaborate party.

She spent months searching for an apartment for us in the country she'd be studying in but ultimately we had to decide on her going alone first when the school year started and me staying in our home country while she continued to search for a place for us to stay. This was rough, and honestly I couldn't stop imagining her finding someone new or going out to college parties the way all the movies show and finding someone she wanted more than me. It's always been an insecurity of mine, especially because she's bi and some things she'd say sometimes made me wonder if she'd like being with a woman more.

Long story short she ended up getting sick and we decided she should come back home and continue her studies here. She got really depressed after coming back home. She didn't want to go out because she didn't want to run into people we knew, she felt like she'd failed in her goals. I tried to help her get back on her feet, but she was just so in her head and I just couldn't stand it sometimes. Something had shifted then. She got angry with me a lot, we'd get into fights and I hated it because I'm not a person who gets angry, ever. She said I didn't do my fair share of chores, got upset whenever I'd spend too much time gaming and not enough attention on her, it was like I had to be this perfect picture of me she had in her head otherwise I was a monster.

One night it got really bad. I had said I was going to do the dishes and I honestly just forgot, I was going to do them after one more round of COD with the boys but I forgot and as we were going to bed she turned and saw the dishes in the sink and started screaming at me. I was already tired and I had work in the morning and honestly couldn't be bothered. She stomped downstairs and did them and I'm pretty sure she intentionally made as much noise as possible so I couldn't even sleep until she was done.

The next day while I was at work I decided I was done, it was like some sort of switch just flipped in my brain. I didn't want to go on being treated like this, I'd seen this kind of stuff play out with my own parents and I didn't want to be miserable like them. So when I got home I sat her down and told her I wanted a divorce. She seemed surprised which I thought was strange because from my end it seemed like we were both unhappy. She took it pretty well though, we had a long conversation about our feelings and stuff and decided that I'd take the bed and she'd take the couch and we'd sort out details in the morning. She asked if I was sure, if I wanted to try therapy first, and I was so sure that this was what I wanted. It was rough, laying upstairs in our bed I was still able to hear her sobbing, but I was so sure this was what was best for both of us.

Then I don't even know how to describe it, it was like a switch flipped in my head again and I started imagining what my life would be like without her, the morning coffees and kisses, the way she always remembered my birthday (my family forgets every year), her constant encouragement, seeing her smile, then my mind flashed to how broken she looked when I told her we were done and I cannot even begin to describe the stab in the heart I felt when I realized I had just hurt the person I loved most in this world. I knew I couldn't live without her, and I'd do anything to make her smile again.

So I went downstairs, it was still late at night I don't know how much time had passed, and watched her try to wipe away her tears and try to look put together as I sat down next to her. I didn't even know what to say. The first thing I could think of was "I fucked up so bad". She set down her laptop and I saw it was open to some apartment search site. She asked me what I meant and I told her I still loved her, that I didn't know why I said everything that I did and I don't deserve any sort of forgiveness but could we please try again. And this saint of a woman held me in her arms as I broke down crying and forgave me. She said she wanted couples therapy which I instantly agreed to, I would have agreed to anything she wanted if it meant staying together.

The next day was rough, she was starting her new job (I had terrible timing I know), and she wouldn't even undress in front of me, she went into the bathroom to change clothes. There was no kiss goodbye before work, no kiss hello after, she wouldn't even look me in the eyes. This went on for a while. It was a full week before she let me have sex with her. And things did slowly start to get better. But she was never fully the same. The fun loving woman I fell in love with was gone, it's like the light in her eyes had gone out. I tried everything I could, I went to the therapy sessions, I bought her flowers, planned date nights, went out of my way to get her favorite chocolate, listened to the books she wanted about emotional labor and I even created a chore chart so the housework could even out. And some days she'd be fine but there were a lot of nights when I'd wake up to hear her crying in bed next to me.

If I tried to comfort her she'd just push me away and say she was fine, so at some point I stopped trying and just lay there and listen to her trying to stifle her sobs and wonder how many nights she was doing this. Other times she'd get angry, any mistake I made she'd always find a way to tie it back to how I "abandoned" her. It was like nothing I could ever do would be enough, I'd always be the monster who made her feel unloved. One of the worst gut punches was when I realized she'd changed her phone background from a photo of us to a bunch of photos of her friends. I asked her why she changed it and she said she just felt like it. My background stayed as a picture of her until the very last day.

After months of this back and forth trying to please her, and one too many nights of listening to her crying in bed, I looked through her phone and saw something she'd written about how she felt trapped in our marriage. The next day I told her I wanted a divorce, that I knew she was unhappy and I was too and this is what was best for both of us. I went further this time, packed a bag and went to a hotel, turned off my location. She acted different this time. The first time she was calm, self-assured, said she wasn't going to beg for me. But this time was different, she was hysterical, literally got on her knees begging me to stay. It was really unlike her, I was honestly a little worried for her safety. But I left anyways. Hopped online, told the boys it was over, tried to distract myself with gaming because it's the only thing that keeps me sane. Eventually I logged off and just lay in the hotel bed listening to music trying to fall asleep, and a song came on that meant something to our relationship and it was like something broke in me, I couldn't stop crying.

I ran to the car and drove back home sobbing and speeding I'm not sure how I didn't crash. When I got there I tried to unlock the door and the key wouldn't fit, she'd changed the locks already. I had to knock on the door of my own home and the waiting seemed to last forever. I know it sounds pathetic but as soon as she opened the door i just collapsed into her, I was crying so much I nearly hyperventilated. She was standing really still, she didn't say anything and her arms were flat by her side and I could tell she wasn't going to take me back his time. After I pulled myself together I saw a bunch of trash bags by the table and knew it was probably my things. I asked her if she'd take me back, she hesitated for a while before saying she'd have to think about it. We had a long talk, a good talk, about our whole relationship and everything that had happened. Somehow I managed to convince her that we could give another try. I had gone from feeling so empty that morning to feeling so hopeful by the nighttime, I felt like this time really would be different, I started writing again, she even let me have sex with her that night rather than waiting a week like last time. She said she felt broken and was saying some scary shit about wanting to kill herself but she's always been a bit melodramatic so I knew she'd come around. I fell asleep dreaming of a better life for us.

But the next few days were hell. I woke up realizing that after I'd fallen asleep she'd put her clothes back on and slept on the floor. She would barely eat, everything she did seemed robotic, and every night I'd have to pull her away from the knives and pills because she kept saying things about how she didn't want to live. One night it got really bad, she was crying in bed as usual and when I asked her what was wrong she started begging me to kill her, saying I was a coward for "killing her soul and leaving her body here to suffer". I was really scared for both of us. I managed to talk her down somehow, and the next morning I came home to a note on the counter saying she was staying at her mother's and she wanted me out of here by the weeks end. She left her ring on the note so I knew she was serious, and honestly I was just glad it wasn't a suicide note. So I took the rest of my things and left.

We've interacted a few times since then to get papers sorted, and now the divorce is final. From what I can tell she seems happy, I guess she's moving soon and maybe has a new guy I can't tell, I try not to look at her things.

For the life of me I can't figure out why I did it. She's telling people I was abusive, maybe I was. My father seems to think I'm in the right which makes me feel icky because he's a misogynist prick. I loved her, I really did. And I'm starting to realize just how much she did for me. My apartment's a mess without her, my life's a mess I keep forgetting shit because she's not here to remind me, I have a toothache but keep forgetting to make an appointment because she was always the one to do that and I don't even think I have dental insurance anyways, I miss my dog, I miss her, I miss having someone to come home and vent to and she was always so understanding of me. I took her for granted. And now she's off to some foreign country probably fucking her ex or something and I'm stuck here away from my family and friends working my ass off in a 9-5 with nothing to show for it.



So, you were shite with chores, don’t know if you have dental insurance, and can’t make your own appointments. You played with ‘the boys’ on video games, which would normally be fine, except it sounds like you made her into your mother so you sound like an immature teen that needs to be told to get off his ass to contribute to the house.


"I have a toothache but keep forgetting to make an appointment because she was always the one to do that and I don't even think I have dental insurance anyways"

It's a beautiful thing when weaponized incompetence backfires.


Lol so you move out and your apartment is a mess and you're incapable of making your own dentist appointments? Sounds like she dodged a bullet. She'll be thriving without having to babysit her "partner".

Husband OOP: I want to point out that I did start contributing more after she told me. I just didn't realize how much she was doing.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.

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He didn’t mention the friend and threatening her. This is either some awful person’s creative writing update or he just ignored the trigger for her leaving him.

u/Haunting-blade avatar

That's really common with abusive folk, tbf. We're doing a trial medition/therapy course with my husband's estranged parents (it's to help our chances of adoption, long fucking story) and it's mind boggling how you have a couple of reasonably intelligent competent adults and will literally tell them the problem with their behaviour and ask them to repeat it back, and they just....can't. It's like a switch flips in their head. A full half an hour of coaxing and the closest we could get to "the verbal and emotional abuse were unacceptable" was "we're terrible parents who never did anything right!" Or "you didn't like how we acted only because you didn't put enough effort into understanding that we behave that way because we love you!" Even when they don't deny what they did, they genuinely cannot bring themselves to look at it or repeat that someone else dislikes it. It's fascinating in a train wreck sort of way. I kind of want some researcher to run an mri scan on them while these conversations are had, it's so strange.

u/kbstude avatar

Interesting that you used the term “a switch flips in their head” because I noticed that OOP’s husband also said that multiple times. No explanation of his thought process, just this magical brain switch and he was ready to upend OOP’s life. Again.

u/Haunting-blade avatar

I am presuming it's a self defense mechanism to avoid having to interrogate difficult emotions, tbh. With my mother in law, I know the root cause (she is repeating the way her mother treated her, but she 100% drank that koolaid and her mother is now dead and thus deified, so she can't look at those expectations with a critical eye without throwing her mother into the mix so instead her brain just...skips those steps. Her husband, meanwhile, would condone ebola if it got him a quiet life so adopts her logic as his own) and I presume there was some triggering event or issue for the husband in oop that he is neglecting to mention that causes the same issue. I suspect his asshole misogynist father that gets mentioned in passing may play a factor.

u/miserablenovel avatar

It is a self defense mechanism. It's called 'splitting' and although it's a behavior common in cluster B diagnoses, it happens to a lesser extent in all of us, just like any disordered behavior. "Instead of working with the complexities of relationships and situations, a person with BPD splitting either sees them as all good (idealizes) or all bad (devalues)."

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The brain switch is right there in black and white. It’s just easy to miss until you’ve seen a few hundred people say the same thing like I gave working in DV.

He said “it was like I had to be this perfect picture she had in her head, otherwise I was a monster.”

He can’t handle any small criticism. If she’s upset about the dishes he hears it as her telling him he’s a terrible person, and reacts accordingly.

He can’t negotiate the difference between his ideal “I’m not a person who shows anger” and his reality. He wants to be someone who never shows anger. But he can’t keep his cool. So he makes it her fault, to protect his self image.

This is how people talk themselves into taking that step over into abuse. Throw in a history of being abused by parents, that he obviously doesn’t want to deal with, and you have an abuser.

He’s not some monster. Just an ordinary guy with a lot of entitlement and poor skills. There’s a LOT of this type out there. And our society does nothing about it because we’re stuck in blaming the individual and not the system that made these guys like this.

u/kbstude avatar

What do you mean by “the system”? It’s possible (based on literally one small context clue re his father being a misogynist) that some of his toxic behavior is learned but that shouldn’t preclude him from taking accountability. This “flip of a switch” is just another way for him to take the blame off of himself. It’s not something he did (over and over), it’s just something that “happened” seemingly through no fault of his own.

Also let’s not forget the part where he never mentioned his reaction to OOP discussing this with his friend which lead to OOP realizing that he was behind toxic, closer to abusive.

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I have that switch in my head, it’s something that I found out when I was a teen and have been working on ever since, because I don’t like being the person on the opposite side of the switch and nobody should ever have to deal with me that way.

If I feel any pressure on that switch, I go for a nice long hobble so that my wife and child don’t ever have to be subjected to that part of me… and usually the exercise short circuit s it for me

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There is something remarkable about how desperately the human ego will fight to protect itself, even going so far as to warp the perception of reality around it to make it compatible with not being the villain.

You could literally show someone a film of them treating another person like shit and they would look at it and say, that’s not me, I didn’t do that, you’ve got that wrong, it’s not the way it looks, whatever they need to say to prevent their ego from taking any kind of loss.

Its such a wild thing to see. Im a stubborn asshole so when my ex pulled this shit with me I would just repeat "what you did was X. Say "I did X"." Over and over until they gave in and admitted what they did. It would quite litterally take HOURS. They would get to the point of wailing and ripping out clumps of their hair just from being asked to repeat back the abusive thing they just did.

What happened after they admitted it? Did it change anything?

Lmao absolutely not. At best it would be "look im improving because I admitted it" followed with rage when I pointed out it doesnt count because I had to force them to admit it

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u/realfuckingoriginal avatar

Woofty this is rough to admit, but I exhibited some abusive behaviors that I learned from my childhood (not aggressive, just shutting down and stonewalling, holding in my upset feelings until they overwhelmed me and were a much bigger deal because I never learned how to move through uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way) and my partner had to hold me accountable in the same way, essentially “this is what you did, whether you realize it or not. Say it” during arguments where I felt justified being unproductive.

 It stopped my lifelong habits in their tracks because I genuinely love this man and didn’t ever want to be abusive - I just couldn’t see my actions in an objective light. But I did care when he finally got through to me that I was harming him, and that made me stop immediately. And I’m talking ways of being that I thought I had no control over and would have for the rest of my life.    Now, I was so scared of hurting him more that I kinda had a breakdown for a bit, because I knew I couldn’t handle my emotions the way I had been but I also literally didn’t have other tools for expression, so I just didn’t allow myself to have or express any negative emotion for a while, but it was so worth it.

Which is all to say that if you’re asking because you’re in a similar situation, whether it works hinges on one thing: whether deep down, they’re operating out of love for you or self-interest. If they’re exhibiting abusive behaviors out of self-interest, there’s no saving anything. If they’re acting out of love deep down but failing, there’s hope. But only they can answer that at the end of the day, and abusers will never give that clear answer. 

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u/NeutralJazzhands avatar

Since they’re an ex I assume no lol people like that hate admitting to fault let alone facing the difficult active choices that must be made to improve themselves

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u/Academic_Activity492 avatar

I tried to do that with my mother and she’d just say “I can’t do this right now” and hang up on me. Slipped into a nice comfy gray-rock place and I think she thinks I’ve forgiven her and/or am comfortable with her because I don’t call her out on her bullshit anymore. I’m just waiting to move and then slowly never speak to her again.

u/TryUsingScience avatar

Isn't it crazy how these people have infinite energy for doing stuff they want to do, but as soon as you want to have an uncomfortable conversation with them, they're out of spoons and need to withdraw for their own mental health?

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u/sowinglavender avatar

It would quite litterally take HOURS. They would get to the point of wailing and ripping out clumps of their hair just from being asked to repeat back the abusive thing they just did.

i'm so stuck on this because i've seen it so many times and thinking about it just puts my brain in a place. you're so much more patient than i am. i could not endure this in my personal life.

I'll be honest, the only reason I had the patience was because it was the few ways I was able to have any power in that situation. They had control of my whole life, but I could still put them through having to confront that they were abusing me, and all the pain that admitting that caused.

Yes, kind of vindictive. But it kept me going and stopped me falling for their lies about their behaviour.

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u/Fionaelaine4 avatar

It’s more common than you think for sure. The amount of adults that can say “I’m sorry” but can’t verbally elaborate on what they are apologizing for is astounding

u/Haunting-blade avatar

Urrrrg, don't get me started. "If we did anything you interpreted as abusive then we're sorry but -" has been the closest they have ever gotten to an apology and they do not understand why it hasn't been everything required to go skipping back to our pre-estranged dynamic. Fucking exhausting.

u/sowinglavender avatar

are you me, and by 'they', do you mean my mother? i definitely ghostwrote this comment so there's something happening here.

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A full half an hour of coaxing and the closest we could get to "the verbal and emotional abuse were unacceptable" was "we're terrible parents who never did anything right!"

Oh, hey, it's my mother!

Seriously though, what type of mediation/therapy are you doing? Because that's the only thing that would allow me to have a civil relationship with her moving forward...

u/Haunting-blade avatar

Honestly? Despite being 8 sessions in, we've only had 1 with them and they claim they've had 7 years of individual therapy and frankly, so far they have gotten worse. I wouldn't recommend bothering unless they have shown some sign of genuine changes of behaviour, it's a waste of time and money. That means not just swearing "they'll do anything" but actually given you a proper apology for something, anything.

We didn't, a stated above we have an alternative motive, but they have never done this. Even the incidents where, having been told to stay away, they broke onto our property in the middle of the night, multiple times, the best they ever managed was "we know we shouldn't have but you left us no choice". 

Trust your past self and get yourself individual therapy to work through it. Don't go to sessions with them unless there is a sign of change.

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OMG this is almost exactly what happened when we tried family therapy with my in-laws. They were utterly incapable of viewing things from a different point of view to their own, let alone admit wrongdoing. Now we get texts and emails saying things like, “we don’t know what we did wrong, why are we being punished?”

I was very badly abused by a sibling when I was younger and later in life he blamed the abuse on me, saying I was "emotionally manipulative".

It's like, bruh. When I was in elementary school he didn't like me humming and when I wouldn't stop humming he choked me until I passed out and left me on the side of the road. I begged my mom for a lock on my door so he couldn't get to me because he liked to smack me around when he was in a bad mood.

Now it's like a switch flipped for them (brother and mother), they cannot admit their behavior was an issue. My mom can't admit she enabled him and he tries to blame me for his outbursts.

I'm truly not surprised that the husband omitted the threat or friend because it just... Doesn't register as an issue I guess.

They act like they can’t. But actually it’s a choice. They choose to not admit their actions. People with narcissistic tendencies just cannot admit to specific acts of wrongdoing against others. Especially in front of third parties.

They know what they did.

u/BlackLilith13 avatar

This is fascinating I want to hear more examples!

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Abusers tend to leave out the worst of their abuse.

While it could very well be creative writing, even when an abuser “admits” to the “minor” things, they’ll never admit to the truly frightening stuff. My ex would tell everyone he was immature and neglectful but still won’t own the number of times he threatened to hit me.

It's the very definition of lies of omission. They're probably saying things that are true but leaving out any of the details that would shift opinion against them. They might get just enough wrong that you're tempted to argue those, but those are red herrings and just make you look like you're upset about a lack of perfection. If you focus on the missing details instead, it changes the entire story. Focus on the missing details and not the little red fish, unless they're Swedish fish because those are tasty and will do more for you than your abusive ex.

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That is what makes this update realistic imo.

Abusive people tend to just “forget” their most abhorrent behaviour. The defense mechanism is really interesting, it is like their brain presses skip forward button.

If pressed, they can technically remember but it is very hard to make them admit.

u/TryUsingScience avatar

If they do admit to doing it, it's not as bad as it sounds because you're missing important context that makes whatever they did totally reasonable. They can never explain what this context is, but it's definitely there and justifies their actions.

The bit that gave me the most pause was when he repeated exactly what he said to OOP on the couch. People don’t really recall that, or at least two people don’t really recall the same things in the same way.

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u/realfuckingoriginal avatar

If I have to read “she let me have sex with her” one more time I’m going to VOMIT. Of course he left out the triggering events that show him in a bad light, but he still can’t hide the absolutely inhuman perspective he has about her.

u/Busybodii avatar

I can’t decide which it is, but I’m leaning towards real because he said twice she “let me have sex with her”. As good as he tried to make himself look, he couldn’t keep the misogyny completely bottled up. Either that or someone really put time in to make it believable.

God, I noticed that immediately. To be honest, as much as people say BORU and AITA/H stuff is made up, so much of it is really in line with some of the more realistic experiences I've seen/heard anecdotally. And I feel like I've learned a LOT about people's responses to these types of situations, in a way that can both be disheartening (sometimes the comments, my gooddd) or uplifting (sometimes the comments - my god!!). All that to say: yes, that little slip, that phrasing, in the midst of this big "Gee whiz I'm real sorry!", spoke louder than all those paragraphs.

Also him noting she was talking about killing herself and he brushed her off as being dramatic. lol okay asshole.

u/myrrhandtonka avatar

I think her getting so worked up and depressed because of him was a bragging point in his view. Like she loved him and needed him so much she was bereft without his love. Puke.

u/KaseTheAce avatar

Man, this is fucked up. He doesn't say anything about their conversations just that they were good but he remembers how long after that she "let" him "have sex with her".

He really messed her up emotionally with this back and forth. It sounds like it made her emotional and desperate each time he did it. He's abusive. No wonder she left the next day. He was obviously going to continue doing it. What a POS.

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Good catch. Reading those lines was gross.

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u/Lady_Grey_Smith avatar

My ex in high school would never tell people about how he would blast his music in the car knowing it would give me migraines, even after I repeatedly asked him to turn it down. He would guilt trip me for non penetrating sex acts I was uncomfortable with and would keep me up at night knowing how light of a sleeper I was. He also had me doing his homework at the cost of my own so he could graduate because he had a learning disability his whole family refused to admit ran in the family. This went on for almost a year.

When I broke up with him and moved out, everyone was told how ungrateful I was for him taking me in away from my abusive family. What I didn’t realize was that I had traded one form of dysfunction for another. Some time later he convinced me to talk to him during a car ride. He threatened to crash the car if I didn’t get back together with him and how often he had put a gun in his mouth after I left. Somewhere I found my spine and talked him down while assuring him it would all be okay and that we were both different people that wouldn’t work in a relationship.

Truth be told I was scared shitless and just trying to get out of the car safely. I ended up joining the military after graduation and thankfully never seeing him again but if you ask the people we graduated with I was an ungrateful heartbreaker who used him and threw him away.

u/Lady_Grey_Smith avatar

The thing that finally reached my thick late teenage brain was when I was reading a book and not watching him play a video game so he got angry and knocked the book out of my hands. The relationship was over the moment he did that and he admitted that he realized it right after when he looked at my face and I had no emotional reaction.

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If it's creative writing, kudos to them for being accurate.

Without confirmation from the OOP of a post, always assume "Wife responds", or "Husband responds" or "X responds" posts and comments are creative writing exercises from Redditors with boring lives. Additionally, even if OOP confirms that they're legit, in 99.9% of these cases it's the OOP doing their own creative writing exercise pretending to be the other person in a disagreement. Real response posts and comments are extremely rare, and for that reason always just assume that all response posts and comments are fake.

u/bg555 avatar

I was about to say pretty much the exact same thing!!

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is this specific update post real? no, i agree it’s a creative writing exercise, shit is suspicious.

is it realistic? fuck yes, this is exactly how abusers think, and the twists in logic and martyr complex are spot on. That said, someone like that is very rarely gonna post on reddit, and not in this way. it’s showing the performative contrition that abusers like to use to keep up appearances, but the approach and audience are wrong by. He has no reason to take this approach on reddit to keep up appearances with us. And OOP already demonstrated that he had enough people in his life that cosigned his abusive toxicity (the snitch friend), he’s not in a position to even need this kind of external validation.

That the portrayal is so spot in its portrayal despite this likelihood, makes me more suspicious of the update being a karma farming post. And how low to do some shit like this and possibly scare OOP into thinking their abuser is onto them or may be reading their shit on reddit. These kinds of fakeposts that piggyback on actual stories are fucked up and dangerous.

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It reminded me of that article that gets shared in reddit a lot about entitled parents and the missing reason reason, where the abusive parents always skip over the things that they did and focus on how the victim made them feel bad. So I found that pretty believeable.

That's missing missing reasons by Issendai.

And I think not mentioning that your exwife dobbed on you to a friend is out of character for an abuser, they loooove to feel wronged. I think he would have mentioned it.

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As I was reading the response I really felt that it was fake. Too many word for word similarities in the posts in the hopes that internet sleuths connect them. Especially when quoting things he said - it’s rare that you would expect two people to remember the same traumatic event well enough and quote the exact sentence they said.

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Or he doesn’t remember it because it wasn’t a big deal to him. That would be scary.

My ex doesn't remember threatening to kill me and himself. It was actually scarier for me finding out he didn't remember saying it, than hearing him say it in the first place. It took me another 6 months to leave him, but it was a major turning point

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u/jeef16 avatar

anytime I see "husband/wife responds" I am truly shocked at how stupid people are for believing this creative writing bs

It sounds like creative writing to me.

Yeah i was waiting for the bullshit excuse and rationalization for that behavior.

Noticed that too. But tbh all the other details were so specifically similar that I think it’s fake.

Ya this is fake. All the details match too perfectly. What a waste

This story was hugely triggering for me. It was so parallel to my 23 year relationship from hell. His post is exactly the kind of thing my ex would go. Leave out all the parts that made him look like a monster and spin it to make me sound like an unhinged suicidal maniac. Meanwhile I was broken and suicidal because of him. 😭

This is what I came to point out too. He forgot that detail though it seems to be a landmark moment in the relationship.I imagine he left that part out because it’s a shameful thing to do.

If he's a narcissist, he won't even acknowledge it happened. He'll pretend it's all in OP's head and avoid topics that will keep him from looking worse. The fact he ignored it however has me feeling a little sus. I'm more inclined to believe the ORIGINAL OOP over the husband because it seems like he was all too willing to smear her over the internet and attribute his reasons for leaving being "She was upset" or "She started carrying knives and was becoming a psychopath." Like...Dude. If she was really that concerning to you then why would you come back just so you could have someone who could do your dishes and clean your room? Most people would put their personal safety first and try to get the wife help from a distance.

The fact he did neither of these things tells me he's a liar and is trying to make his faults smaller than they really are because if he didn't have ANYTHING wrong then his whole rebuttal post wouldn't hold a whole lot of weight. Make small lies so he can avoid the big truth.

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Oh, no, after asking for divorce and to get back together over 24 hours, this happened:

It was a full week before she let me have sex with her. 


... she even let me have sex with her that night rather than waiting a week like last time. She said she felt broken and was saying some scary shit about wanting to kill herself but she's always been a bit melodramatic so I knew she'd come around. I fell asleep dreaming of a better life for us.

What's worse, the latter seems to have been in one night. She let him have sex with her right away but she was openly suicidal, but he knew that was melodrama and she'd come around and stop requiring him to think about her feelings. Then he had a good night's sleep.

That was the same night he threatened her and somehow convinced her to give it another try only for her to leave the next day while he was at work. Her "letting" him have sex with her sounds more like her feeling coerced.

u/pudgehooks2013 avatar

Anytime someone says let me have sex with them as opposed to we had sex together, is just a giant problem.

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that first sentence made my skin crawl, i was looking for someone mentioning this. absolutely disgusting behavior.

u/StardustOnTheBoots avatar

Afterwards, she put her clothes on and slept on the floor. This guy is an unsafe person and needs to be on some watchlist.

Well, when you put it that way, he sounds like a terrible person!

Because he is. She was likely terrified of him, so gave into sex just so he'd leave her alone and not scrutinize her.

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u/Compulsive-Gremlin avatar

lol he starting contributing more when she had to remind him.

I wonder how shitty his apartment is now that he lives alone.

But he always remembered to play COD all evening with his friends.

“Packed a bag” apparently meant “made sure to grab my gaming console” not “necessities like a toothbrush.”

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u/TheSpiralTap avatar

He sleeps in a racecar bed, do you?

OK I'm a grown man but I would totally still sleep in a race car bed if I could

My uncle built a racecar bed for his son, because the kid needed a full bed (he got tall young, at three people mistook him for six or seven and he maxed out at 6’5 as an adult) but wanted a race car.

And when said kid went to college and his parents were moving into a new house, they ended up putting the race car in the guest room. (Kid still had his own room, but he got a new bed with drawers underneath.)

It’s still kinda fun “driving” a bed as an adult. xD

u/YesImKeithHernandez avatar

I wish there was some way to have an easily modified bed where it could go from regular to race car with a button.

I don't want it every night but every now and again it would be cool.

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I sleep in a big bed with my wife

u/TheSpiralTap avatar


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Reminds me of grandma’s boy.  Except he didn’t rope in an unsuspecting woman into that weird dynamic.  He at least stayed at home and had his mom be his mom as well as his dad be his dad I’m sure.  He wasn’t brought up specifically if I recall correctly.  

But does he eat crackers? I don’t know if single people eat crackers, and I’m not sure I want to know.

u/KombuchaBot avatar

You leave Kirk van Houten out of this mess, he would never