The Meaning Behind The Song: Would You Believe? by Roxy Music - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Would You Believe? by Roxy Music

The Meaning Behind The Song: “Would You Believe?” by Roxy Music


I remember the first time I heard “Would You Believe?” by Roxy Music. It was on a rainy day, and I was going through my vinyl collection when I stumbled upon their self-titled album from 1972. As I put the needle on the record, I was instantly captivated by the haunting melody and enigmatic lyrics. This song has since held a special place in my heart, reminding me of cherished memories and sparking my curiosity about its meaning.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Would You Believe?” are filled with ambiguity and introspection. They invite us to interpret the intentions and emotions behind the words. The song starts with the lines, “Would you believe in what I do, when the things that I make are all for you?” These lines portray a sense of dedication and vulnerability, suggesting a plea for acceptance and validation.

“And in a while, I’ll come to you, showing why what I think will all come true,” further emphasizes the desire to be understood and believed in. It hints at a future revelation or proof that the songwriter’s thoughts and actions will align to create something significant. It evokes a feeling of anticipation and assurance.

The chorus of the song repeats the question, “Would, would you believe in what I do, when the things that I make are all for you?” This repetition reinforces the theme of seeking validation and trust, as if the songwriter is yearning for the listener’s approval of their creative endeavors.

Personal Interpretation

For me, “Would You Believe?” resonates on a personal level, reminding me of a time when I was hesitant to share my passions and creations with others. It is a plea for recognition and support, asking the question, “Will you believe in me and my abilities?”

The lyrics also evoke a feeling of vulnerability and the fear of being misunderstood or seen through. It reminds me of moments in my life when I questioned whether others truly saw the real me, or if they only saw what they wanted to see. This song encourages introspection and highlights the importance of genuine connections based on mutual understanding and belief.

Influence and Legacy

Released on June 16, 1972, “Would You Believe?” is a track from Roxy Music’s self-titled debut album. The album marked the beginning of the band’s successful career, introducing their innovative blend of glam rock, art rock, and pop sensibilities.

Roxy Music’s unique sound and Bryan Ferry’s distinctive vocals helped them carve a place for themselves in the music scene of the 1970s. Their influence can still be felt today, inspiring countless artists in various genres.


“Would You Believe?” is a song that delves into the longing for validation and understanding. Through its introspective lyrics and enigmatic melody, it communicates both vulnerability and anticipation. This song holds personal meaning for many listeners, connecting them to moments of self-discovery and the desire for genuine connections.

Roxy Music’s debut album, including “Would You Believe?” remains a significant piece of musical history. Its influence on subsequent musicians solidifies its place as an important part of the glam rock movement.

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