WITNESS - Traducción al español - bab.la
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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

witness noun

volume_up US /ˈwɪtnəs/volume_up UK /ˈwɪtnɪs/
1. (countable) a. (Law) testigo (masculine or feminine)to call somebody as a witness citar a alguien como testigowitness for the prosecution/defense testigo de cargo/de la defensa or de descargo(before noun) witness stand (US) witness box (British) estrado (masculine)b. (to event) testigo (masculine or feminine)to be witness/a witness to something ser testigo de algoc. (to contract, signature) testigo (masculine or feminine)I was a witness at his wedding fui testigo en su bodayou'll need a witness to your signature necesitas a alguien que atestigüe tu firmato stand witness atestiguar, testificar2. (uncountable) (testimony, evidence) to be witness to something ser testimonio or prueba de algo, atestiguar algoto bear witness (in a court of law) atestiguar, testificarto bear false witness (Bible) levantar falsos testimoniosin witness whereof (formal) en fe de lo cual (formal)


to be a witness to somethingto bear witness to something

witness transitive verb

volume_up US /ˈwɪtnəs/volume_up UK /ˈwɪtnɪs/
1. (observe, see) [change/event] ser testigo de [crime/accident] presenciar, ser testigo de, verthis region is witnessing an unprecedented economic upturn esta región está viviendo una reactivación económica sin precedentes2. (authenticate) (Law) [signature] atestiguar [will] atestiguar la firma de3. (testify) testificar, atestiguar

witness intransitive verb

volume_up US /ˈwɪtnəs/volume_up UK /ˈwɪtnɪs/
1. (testify) to witness to something dar fe de algo, atestiguar algo2. (consider) witness the winter of 1963 piensen en or recuerden el invierno de 1963she is a very talented writer, as witness her 'Olivia' (formal) es una escritora de gran talento, tal como lo demuestra su 'Olivia'

witness [witnessed|witnessed] {verbo transitivo}

1. "observe, see"
In 2008, it once again witnessed total destruction.
En 2008, volvió a ser testigo de la destrucción total.
tuve el privilegio de ser testigo de
I personally found it a great honour to be a member of the team that was able to witness this momentous event.
Personalmente, para mí ha sido un gran honor formar parte del equipo que ha podido ser testigo de este evento tan trascendental.
witness (también: call, look, spy, view, perceive, sight, call)
Mr President, I feel very fortunate to witness the birth of monetary Europe.
Señor Presidente, me siento muy feliz de ver nacer la Europa monetaria.
I hope that we will soon witness major changes in Cuba and I look forward to that very special day.
Espero que pronto podamos ver cambios importantes en Cuba, y espero con ansia ese día tan especial.
At the moment, however, we are witness to a more gradual approach.
No obstante, en este momento realmente vemos más del método basado en los pequeños avances.
2. derecho
And they shall say to their skins, "Why have you borne witness against us?
Y preguntarán a sus pieles: “¿Cómo habéis podido atestiguar en contra nuestra?
I can witness to the fact that it has unceasingly and tirelessly endeavoured to generate debate and encourage convergence.
Puedo atestiguar que se ha dedicado con tesón y empeño a la tarea de alentar el debate y propiciar la convergencia.
Access to Kaliningrad or visa arrangements bear witness to this.
El acceso a Kaliningrado o las disposiciones en materia de visados así lo atestiguan.
3. "testify"
Some of the hardest criminals are turning witness and are now offered very lenient sentences.
Algunos de los peores delincuentes están testificando y ahora se les ofrecen sentencias muy leves.
Parliament's report is also important as, unlike the Council of Europe, the committee was able to call witnesses to testify before it.
El informe del Parlamento también es importante, pues a diferencia del Consejo de Europa, la comisión parlamentaria ha podido citar a testigos para testificar ante ella.
Next, people called by the activists as witnesses are not being allowed to appear in court to testify and make it a fair trial.
Posteriormente, no se permite comparecer en el tribunal a las personas llamadas por los activistas como testigos a fin de que puedan testificar para que se celebre un juicio justo.
4. "authenticate", derecho

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "witness" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

The declaration approved by the Florence European Council bears witness to that.
La Declaración aprobada por el Consejo Europeo de Florencia es prueba de ello.
He must have the right to refuse to bear witness, without any 'ifs ' or 'buts '.
Debe disfrutar del derecho a no prestar testimonio sin ningún tipo de restricción.
Jesus is the supreme Witness to God and to his concern for the salvation of all.
Él es el Testigo por excelencia de Dios y de su deseo de que todos se salven.
Otherwise, we are likely to witness the steady decline of the European Union.
De lo contrario, es probable que asistamos al hundimiento de la Unión Europea.
This “to the end” seems to bear witness here to the absolute character of this love.
Ese «hasta el extremo» parece testimoniar aquí el carácter definitivo de ese amor.
are called to witness to their faith by harsh trials and painful privations.The
sosteniendo duras pruebas y dolorosas privaciones, ellos son frecuentemente
the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me;
enviaré de parte del Padre, el Espíritu de verdad, que procede del Padre, él
doing they bore witness to their unanimous desire to share in the doctrinal and
unánime y convencida participación en la misión doctrinal y pastoral de la
fulfills her task by enlightening consciences with her teaching and witness, and
cumple esta misión suya tanto iluminando las conciencias con la enseñanza
Zaire and Rwanda bear witness to the responsibility of my own country in this respect.
También Zaire y Ruanda, en lo que respecta a mi propio país, han sufrido lo suyo.
All the accounts bear witness to the same ordeal of the civil populations of Armenia.
Los testimonios nos refieren el mismo calvario de las poblaciones civiles armenias.
still others to witness to the truth of the Gospel that saves, in married and
verdad del Evangelio que salva, en la vida matrimonial y profesional, en la
members and in her pastoral structures in order to bear authentic witness to the
sus estructuras pastorales, para dar auténtico testimonio de la cercanía
that their unity might bear witness to his mission and the world would believe
unidad de sus discípulos, para que ésta fuera testimonio de su misión y el
able personally to witness the reserves of generosity and good will present in
juventud, pude comprobar personalmente las reservas de generosidad y buena
And they shall say to their skins, "Why have you borne witness against us?
Y preguntarán a sus pieles: “¿Cómo habéis podido atestiguar en contra nuestra?
oneself to be molded by the Spirit and transformed into a courageous witness of
18,9-10); en dejarse plasmar por el Espíritu y transformarse en testigos
personal witness but also in an urgent and effective communication - likewise
credibilidad, sino asimismo en una urgente y eficaz comunicación, -también
of them, with the peaceful weapons of witness in suffering and of love, stood up
Muchos entre ellos han desafiado ejemplarmente, con las armas pacíficas
Bearing in mind that Christian witness is the first form of evangelization (cf.
Teniendo presente que el testimonio cristiano es la primera forma de evangelizacion (cf.
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English Cómo usar "witness" en una frase

That same supervisor may witness employees coming into work late, and not feel any annoyance whatsoever.
Contradiction involves the witness saying two different things in the same testimony.
Places of remembrance should give witness to their fate.
He also witnessed what he felt were the detrimental effects of globalization on art.
He revisits some of the worst scenes he witnessed during his career as a foreign correspondent and hears powerful stories of survival.

English Cómo usar "witnesses" en una frase

She is now seen as one of the key witnesses.
We are witnesses of how powerful prayers are.
Before the trial, attorneys for all the parties also deposed dozens of witnesses, and portions of which were entered into the court record.
While making a will ensure that you have two witnesses as well as a family doctor present.
Tell him this: he, unlike witnesses against the powerful is safe.

English Cómo usar "wit" en una frase

The message of the novel is considered dark, but was delivered with enthusiasm and wit.
He had a unique style that combined youth, eroticism, wit, and anecdote.
The performance is as musical as a non-competitive performance, but the competitive "dikir barat" is also, according to one observer, a duel of wits.
He feels challenged by the charm and wit of his brother, which eventually leads to the eruption of a feud in the family.
At the same time he became known as a host on the banquet circuit, famous for his good-natured wit aimed at his fellow celebrities.

English Cómo usar "testigo instrumental" en una frase

Si se demandare la falsedad de un instrumento público, el juez procederá a comparar la copia con el original, y a recibir las declaraciones de los testigos instrumentales.?
Cuando ninguno de los testigos instrumentales estuviere en el lugar, abonarán sus firmas y la del testador otros testigos que no tengan tacha y sean de conocida honradez.
Bajo esas formalidades puede ser incorporada al juicio por su lectura, sin perjuicio de que el funcionario y el testigo instrumental puedan ser citados para prestar su testimonio.
De ser posible, la firma de uno o mas testigos instrumentales de la actuación.
Si no pueden comparecer todos los testigos, bastará que el notario y los testigos instrumentales presentes reconozcan sus firmas y la del testador, y abonen las de los ausentes.

"alleged witness" en español

alleged witness
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Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

"witness account" en español

witness account
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"witness allege" en español

witness allege
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "witness":
