"With a little help from my friends" Flashcards | Quizlet
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"With a little help from my friends"

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how did most Americans treat dumas and her family during their first year in the United States?
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how did most Americans treat dumas and her family during their first year in the United States?
Even though they had a lot of questions, most americans were respectful and kind to them when asking these questions
What surprised the young dumas about Americans' knowledge of geography?
That they didn't even know what Iran is
what joke did dumas play on boys who pestered her to teach them bad words in her native language?
she taught them phrases like "I'm an idiot" in her language
According to dumas, how did things change for Iranian immigrants to the United States after the Iranian revolution?
Americans were not as welcoming to them, and they had no questions just opinions
man kharam
im an idiot