Biology Chapter 18 Classification Multiple Choice Flashcards | Quizlet

Biology Chapter 18 Classification Multiple Choice

One goal of scientists is to assign every organism a universally accepted name according to the system known
a. traditional classification.
b. the three domains.
c. binomial nomenclature.
d. cladistics.
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One goal of scientists is to assign every organism a universally accepted name according to the system known
a. traditional classification.
b. the three domains.
c. binomial nomenclature.
d. cladistics.
Based on their names, you know that the baboons Papio annubis and Papio cynocephalus do NOT belong to
the same
a. class.
b. family.
c. genus.
d. species.
Animals that are warm-blooded, have body hair, and produce milk for their young are grouped in the class
a. Amphibia.
b. Mammalia.
c. Aves.
d. Reptilia.
Which of the following is a correct explanation of a derived character?
a. The presence of a backbone is a derived character of mammals because all mammals have
a backbone.
b. The presence of four limbs is a derived character of snakes because the ancestors of
modern snakes had limbs, even though modern snakes do not. c. The presence of hair is a derived character of mammals because all mammals have hair
and no animals other than mammals have it.
d. Retractable claws are a derived character of carnivores because some of the animals that
are carnivores have retractable claws.
What do all organisms have in common?
a. They all use DNA to pass on information.
b. They are all prokaryotes.
c. They are all eukaryotes.
d. They are all genetically identical.
Which of the following techniques can scientists use to determine how the DNA of several species might
indicate the species are related?
a. photosynthetic analysis
b. cladistic analysis
c. artificial selection
d. systematics
What is thought to be true about the three domains of living things?
a. They diverged from a common ancestor fairly recently.
b. They diverged from a common ancestor before the evolution of the main groups of
c. They did not have a common ancestor.
d. Domains Bacteria and Archaea evolved after the main groups of eukaryotes.
In heterotrophs, energy for the life processes comes from the chemical energy stored in the bonds of
a. water molecules.
b. oxygen molecule.
c. organic compounds.
d. inorganic compounds.
Which of the following can be determined by interpreting a cladogram?
a. the derived characters that differentiate species on the cladogram
b. the number of species in a particular kingdom
c. the exact number of years two species have been separate
d. the feeding relationships between species
Linnaeus and other early scientists classified organisms based on visible traits. Today, scientists generally use cladograms based on DNA and other evolutionary evidence to classify organisms. Why have most scientists changed their method of classification?
a. Cladograms are relatively small and the information in them is easy to manage.
b. Cladograms can compare more animals at one time than traditional classification methods.
c. DNA evidence supports the idea that species that look similar are always more closely
related than species that do not.
d. DNA evidence often shows that species that share characteristics but look different can be more closely related than species that look alike.
Which of the six kingdoms correspond to the domain Eukarya?
a. the kingdoms Eubacteria and Archaebacteria only
b. the kingdoms Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, and Fungi only
c. the kingdoms Plantae and Animalia only
d. the kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia only
Fungi are different from plants primarily because they
a. are nonmotile.
b. contain chlorophyll.
c. are heterotrophic.
d. have cell walls.
In an evolutionary classification scheme, species within one genus should
a. be more closely related to one another than they are to species in another genus.
b. be less closely related to one another than they are to species in another genus.
c. be limited to species that can interbreed.
d. have identical genes.
In biology, a trait that arose in an ancestor and is passed along to its descendants is referred to as a
a. derived character.
b. taxonomic group.
c. molecular clock.
d. physical similarity.
Each node on a cladogram represents
a. the last point at which two groups shared a common ancestor.
b. the point at which one or more species became extinct.
c. the most recent point at which a trait was lost in a certain clade.
d. the point at which two clades joined and became monophyletic.

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