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Stephen King Wiki

"Stay away from the Woman in the Hat. She's the Queen Bitch of Castle Hell. If you mess with her, she'll eat you alive."
―A warning about Rose the Hat.

Rose the Hat (real name Rose O'Hara) is a major antagonist of the Stephen King multiverse.

She serves as main antagonist of Doctor Sleep (the sequel to The Shining), and its 2019 film adaptation of the same name (sequel to the 1980 film adaptation).

She is the leader of The True Knot. As a rube, she was known as Rose O'Hara, and was from County Antrim in Northern Ireland.


She has a relationship with her second-in-command Crow Daddy, but it doesn't seem exclusive, as she also sleeps with Snakebite Andi. She is often described as powerfully beautiful, six feet tall with high cheek bones and wide set eyes, though at times she only has one long tooth on top. Her titular hat is also referenced as staying a top her head at odd angles despite gravity.

It is her idea, as the leader, to capture Abra Stone and keep her as a Steam "milk cow" rather than killing her and canning her steam, as she believes they wouldn't even have enough canisters for all the steam she could give.

She is killed after pushed off the Roof O' the World (where the Overlook Hotel once stood) by Danny Torrance and Abra Stone, with some help from the ghost of Jack Torrance. At Abra's insistence, Dan burns her hat to ashes due to the black magic it carries. In the film adaptation, she is killed when Dan lets the many ghosts he has locked up from the Overlook out and they, having been starving in his mind for years, consume her. Her hat is burned as the hotel catches fire.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Astral Projection - The power to project the consciousness of oneself from the body
  • Telepathy - The power to read and project thoughts. she can do this in astral form as well.
  • Memory Reading - The power to read a target's memories. This is possibly a sub power of her telepathy
  • Psychic Detection - User can sense the presence of psychic powers and possibly gain detailed understanding about them, including their type, quality and intensity. She first displayed this power when Abra was playing Abracadabra with her parents and she telekinetically dropped all the spoons in the kitchen.



  • She was once known as "Irish Rose," long before she was leader of the True Knot.
  • She drives an Earth Cruiser.
  • Rose the Hat is one of Stephen King's few leading women antagonists.
  • In the book Doctor Sleep, she is dubbed the "Queen Bitch" of a mysterious dark place called "Castle Hell".
  • Maybe the cathedral visage of her mind as demonstrated in the 2019 film Doctor Sleep could be a reference to the strange castle place from the book, but that has yet to be proven and Castle Hell itself remains a mystery.
  • The 2019 film shows more of her sadistic, manipulative, and self-absorbed side. It is likely possible that she simply cared for herself rather than the other True Knot members, simply seeing them as "pawns" rather than friends. It is shown when she is hesitant to use the canisters to maintain the True Knot's hunger as well as to help Grandpa Flick, using Andi's past to manipulate her into joining, refusing to consider Crow Daddy's option of having Abra turned simply because she's afraid to lose her power over the True Knot, having the cult believe their were immortal so they could be controlled, and tries to manipulate Danny with the same lie she used on the True Knot.

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