There are dozens of popular coding languages in the world of technology today. This can make it challenging to know which is the best programming language to learn.

If you’re interested in pursuing a programming career, start by discovering which coding languages are the easiest to learn and what their applications are in the programming field.

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Easiest Programming Languages To Learn

In this section, we list the easiest programming languages to learn in no particular order, as they are all easily learnable languages.

We recommend several coding bootcamps below. If you’re seeking more information on this method of learning, see our ranking of the best coding bootcamps. And if you’re still wondering, “are coding bootcamps worth it?”, check out our guide.


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is an open-source, core language for building web pages, documents and internet navigation. HTML takes information like text, images and hyperlinks and arranges them on a page.

It works hand-in-hand with CSS and JavaScript, which help dictate how a webpage looks visually and auditorily and provides dynamic functions. HTML is an excellent foundation for coders. Developers use it, too.

You can find free tutorials online and reference the living standard of HTML, run by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG). Codecademy also offers a paid nine-hour course covering the language’s basics. Many online exams, like this one offered by W3C, award a certificate upon completion.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a programming language that works with HTML to shape how information looks and sounds on a webpage. In other words, HTML is the building materials, and CSS is the design layout.

Because of this, CSS is usually learned after or in tandem with HTML (and often JavaScript). Codecademy offers courses ranging from five hours to four to eight months, depending on your desired certification level.


Python is currently the most sought-after programming language, according to the PopularitY of Programming Language (PYPL), which uses Google’s reports of the most searched-for programming language tutorials.

Python’s syntax is closer to English, making it relatively simple to learn. The uses of Python vary, but it is especially in demand in artificial intelligence (AI) development, machine learning (ML) development, building websites and desktop application development.

Online courses range in length from 10 hours to four months. Providers like Simplilearn and Ecornell offer certifications upon course completion.


Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Ranking second in popularity, it remains commonly used and highly sought-after for many reasons. Programmers often use Java for mobile and desktop application programming and game development.

Because of the high demand for Java programmers, this language is desirable to know for coding or programming. Some Java bootcamps offer job guarantees to graduates who meet certain requirements. Check out our ranking of the best Java bootcamps.


In addition to HTML and CSS, JavaScript programs the operations in a webpage. JavaScript is a user-side scripting language that is intrinsically tied to the dynamic elements of a webpage.

Because JavaScript is one of the most common client-side programming languages, many programming employers look for this skill. The time it takes to master this language can vary depending on your course. WC3 offers a 30-hour course with an exam that awards a certificate upon passing.


C is an older programming language that is still widely used because of its practical application and close syntactic relationship to C++, C# and Java. This multi-purpose programming language is often used in software development and operating systems.

Though C’s popularity has decreased through the years, it is still considered a relevant programming language because of the longevity of its use and its ability to create fast and reliable code. It can also be easily extendable to C++. Codecademy offers a paid, 15-hour course that includes a certification upon completion.


Ruby’s success is resultant of its learnability. This language is similar to the English language and works in complex and intricate ways.

Ruby is an open-source, object-oriented programming language, giving all information and codes their own properties and actions. Ruby is used in web application development, especially in industry-focused technology.

You can learn Ruby through Codecademy’s 10-hour course. Ruby’s primary framework, Ruby on Rails, provides support in creating web applications on the front and back ends.

Questions to Consider When Choosing a Programming Language

Ask yourself these questions when choosing the right programming language to learn for your career trajectory.

Does this programming language relate to my current or future career?

Many programming languages have specific applications, such as web development, app programming or creating operating systems. Before starting a programming course or bootcamp, think about the skills you will need for your dream job.

Is this programming language versatile in my field?

Once you know which type of programming job you want, you can decide which coding language will provide the most versatility within your chosen field.

Python is an excellent choice if you want a job in AI or ML. It’s easy to learn and highly versatile if you decide to use it for web or app development.

Do I have the time to learn this programming language?

Be honest about how much time you can commit. A coding language’s syntax can be close to English, like Ruby’s, or very different, like C’s. Factors like this can help you determine how much time you must invest to learn a particular language.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Programming Languages

What programming language should a beginner start with?

It depends on what kind of career you’re looking for. Many individuals find HTML and Ruby to be more accessible programming languages.

Is C++ too hard for beginners?

C++ is more complex and challenging because it’s closer to the binary language used by computers. Because of this, it is not recommended as your first language to learn. However, learning a language like C or Java can help you learn C++ because of the languages’ similarities.

Should I learn coding before programming?

The simple answer is no. In programming, you will learn the aspects of coding that are required for programming. Programming is the process of creating instructions for a computer to make it do various tasks; this includes coding.