Geography Chapter 9 Flashcards | Quizlet

Geography Chapter 9

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The terrorist group __________ __________ are SalafistIslamic group,who want to establish sharia law in Nigeria.​
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The terrorist group __________ __________ are SalafistIslamic group,who want to establish sharia law in Nigeria.​
boko haram
​The tropical Sahel region is particularly vulnerable to drought, but its ecosystems have mechanisms to cope and recover from this stress.What terms describes the ability of Sahel regions to cope through drought cycles?
People living in the northern parts of Sub-Saharan Africa are most likely to speak a language from the Afro-asiatic family.​
​Which disease transmitted by the tsetse fly affects cattle?
Slavery no longer exists in Africa.​
Export processing zones impose tariffs and other taxes that make it difficult for international companies to invest in African business.​
The most persistent problem in Africa's political geography is the low literacy levels across the continent.​
​North Africa is ethnically diverse, while Sub-Saharan Africa is predominantly Arabs and Berbers.
​What is the dominant religion of Sub-Saharan Africa?
Because of its location at the equator, most of Africa has a tropical climate.​
What was the "mistake of 1914," and how has it impacted modern-day Nigeria?​
The mistake of 1914 is the Nigerian term for the creation of the country's modern borders by the British.
In fewer than 2,000 years, people have removed 90% of Madagascar's forest and caused the extinction of roughly half the island's species.​
African subsistence farmers are benefitting from the food and money provided by introduction of cash crops.​
Which sector of the African economy has attracted the most investment money than any other sector?​
Bantustans were established on economically and environmentally marginal areas that rural tribes were forced to move to under apartheid.