Rogue River Watershed - Hydrologic Unit 102


Small portions of the Applegate and Illinois River watersheds, tributaries of the Rogue River, are located in the extreme northwestern portion of the Region. Both rivers originate and end in Oregon.

U.S. Forest Service, Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

Most of the Illinois River is located in this forest, along with the headwaters of the Applegate River.

Facilities Regulated by the Regional Water Board

This link is an interactive map of permitted facilities in California. You can zoom in to the watershed of your choice and click on a facility to obtain information.

Sanitary Sewer Overflow Incident Map

This link is an interactive map of overflows from sanitary sewers. You can zoom in to the watershed of your choice and click on an incident to obtain information.

Created February 12, 2015
Web Page Contact: Robert Klamt,