Contractors who were hired to paint over graffiti painted by anti-Israel activists at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio painted over several activists who refused to move in a video that has gone viral on social media.

The incident occurred on Tuesday, when a worker described by school officials as a “third-party contractor” was spraying white paint to cover the anti-Israel graffiti that had been painted on the campus "spirit wall."

The activists refused to move and put on protective face masks, after which the worker sprayed them in the course of painting the wall.

CWRU President Eric W. Kaler had ordered the spirit wall painted over due to what he described as “threatening, intimidating and antisemitic” language painted on two walls by the anti-Israel activists.

“I strongly condemn the language posted yesterday on the advocacy wall, and want to reiterate to our entire community that such language — no matter to whom it is directed — will not be tolerated on our campus,” Keller said in a statement.

“After defacing the advocacy wall, later in the evening, the protesters painted the spirit wall … with language that was less threatening but still intimidating to some in our community," he added.

The Students for Justice in Palestine organization claimed that the activists had been "assaulted" by the worker.

Kaler condemned the worker's action, saying, “Let me be clear: No students — or any individuals — should ever be treated this way, especially on a campus where our core values center on providing a safe, welcoming environment."

“This is not who we are as an institution, and I am deeply sorry this ever occurred,” he added.