Apartments For Rent in Chesterfield MO - 527 Rentals |
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527 Rentals

Apartments for Rent in Chesterfield, MO

Situated along the Missouri River just 21 miles west of St. Louis, Chesterfield makes a compelling case for moving to a suburban locale near the Gateway to the West. Chesterfield is the largest city of West St. Louis County, and it’s rapidly growing. This developing community is consistently ranked as one of the best to raise a family in, and it’s easy to see why. Chesterfield combines community-focused suburban feel with many high-value businesses, restaurants, and events within walking or easy driving distance from your apartment.

Proximity to the Missouri River provides plenty of opportunities to enjoy an afternoon by the water or a quick stroll through one of the parks located on its shores. This western St. Louis suburb has access to some fantastic schools, and with the big city so close, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Average Rent Rates

What is the average rent in Chesterfield, MO?

The average rent in Chesterfield, MO is $1,348


How transit friendly is Chesterfield, MO?

Transit options in Chesterfield vary, but overall, it has a transit score of 18.


What are the top Elementary schools in Chesterfield, MO?

In Chesterfield, you’ll find top-ranking elementary schools like Kehrs Mill Elementary, Chesterfield Elementary, and Shenandoah Valley Elementary.

What is the top middle school in Chesterfield, MO?

Chesterfield is home to some top-ranking middle schools, including Parkway West Middle School.

What are the top high schools in Chesterfield, MO?

Moving is tough for high school students! Look for Chesterfield apartments near top-ranking high schools like Marquette Sr. High and Parkway Central High School.

What colleges and universities are in Chesterfield, MO?

If you’re a student moving to an apartment in Chesterfield, you’ll have access to Logan University, Maryville Univ. Saint Louis, and Missouri Baptist University.

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